
How to set the Bearer token in the Python API client generated by Swagger Codegen 3.x?

How to set the Bearer token in the Python API client generated by Swagger Codegen 3.x? Question: I’ve generated a Python client library for this API by using the online Swagger Codegen at The API uses Bearer authentication: openapi: 3.0.0 … paths: /sandbox/register: post: … security: – sso_auth: [] … components: securitySchemes: sso_auth: type: …

Total answers: 2

Best Practices Python – Where to store API KEYS/TOKENS

Best Practices Python – Where to store API KEYS/TOKENS Question: I am building a system that uses API tokens and keys to access services, but where is the best place to store them? I want to push the code to GitHub without pushing the tokens. Currently, I’ve placed them in a blank file named …

Total answers: 3