
Calculate circular shift pairs in a list

Calculate circular shift pairs in a list Question: A circular shift moves some of the digits in a number to the beginning of the number, and shifts all other digits forward to the next position. For example, all of the circular shifts of 564 are 564, 645, 456. Lets say two numbers of equal length …

Total answers: 3

Circularly shifting (or rotating) the digits the digits of a number in Python

Circularly shifting (or rotating) the digits the digits of a number in Python Question: Suppose I have the following input: 1234 How can I get the following output? 3412 This is obtained by circularly shifting (or rotating) the digits of the input twice. I have tried the following code: number = 1234 bin(number >> 1) …

Total answers: 4

How >> operator defines task dependencies in Airflow?

How >> operator defines task dependencies in Airflow? Question: I was going through Apache Airflow tutorial and encountered this section for defining task dependencies. with DAG(‘airflow_tutorial_v01′, default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=’0 * * * *’, ) as dag: print_hello = BashOperator(task_id=’print_hello’, bash_command=’echo “hello”‘) sleep = BashOperator(task_id=’sleep’, bash_command=’sleep 5′) print_world = PythonOperator(task_id=’print_world’, python_callable=print_world) print_hello >> sleep >> print_world …

Total answers: 1

Times-two faster than bit-shift, for Python 3.x integers?

Times-two faster than bit-shift, for Python 3.x integers? Question: I was looking at the source of sorted_containers and was surprised to see this line: self._load, self._twice, self._half = load, load * 2, load >> 1 Here load is an integer. Why use bit shift in one place, and multiplication in another? It seems reasonable that …

Total answers: 1