
Bleu_score in NLTK library

Bleu_score in NLTK library Question: I am new to using the nltk library. I want to find the two most similar strings. In doing so, I used the ‘bleu_score’ as follows: import nltk from nltk.translate import bleu from nltk.translate.bleu_score import SmoothingFunction smoothie = SmoothingFunction().method4“` C1 = ‘FISSEN Ltds’ C2 = ‘FISSEN Ltds Maschinen- und Werkzeugbau’ …

Total answers: 1

Calculating BLEU and Rouge score as fast as possible

Calculating BLEU and Rouge score as fast as possible Question: I have around 200 candidate sentences and for each candidate, I want to measure the bleu score by comparing each sentence with thousands of reference sentences. These references are the same for all candidates. Here is how I’m doing it right now: ref_for_all = [reference] …

Total answers: 2