
Put a clickable URL in a Bokeh plot?

Put a clickable URL in a Bokeh plot? Question: Is it possible to put a clickable URL in a Bokeh plot? I’m generating a lot of time series plots of online climate data, which are then browseable on a website. For each figure, I’d like to put a link to the original data webpage. This …

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I want to add two y axis values in a bokeh line plot

I want to add two y axis values in a bokeh line plot Question: whats wrong with this line of code..please help import pandas as pd from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_file output_file (‘newfile.html’) data = pd.read_excel(r’C:UsersASyedOneDrive – NKTPythonProjectbokehPractisenewfile19AJ100429-GC3-FR-003-A1-KP240.000-KP248.831-SL-AT.xlsx’, sheet_name= ‘Listing’) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.columns = [x.replace("n", " ") for x …

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How do i filter by specific event for my graph plotting

How do i filter by specific event for my graph plotting Question: I have a CSV File with columns below: Time Event Speed 1/30/2022 17:23 Speeding 50 1/28/2022 18:22 Speeding 20 1/27/2022 22:00 Speeding 30 1/26/2022 23:23 Speeding 40 1/27/2022 22:00 Stopping 10 1/26/2022 23:23 Stopping 10 Issue: Currently my code will run and give …

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plot_text horizontal and vertical alignment equivalent in bokeh

plot_text horizontal and vertical alignment equivalent in bokeh Question: Is there an equivalent of matplotlib’s ha and va (horizontal and vertical alignment) when plotting text in bokeh? In matplotlib I would write something like the following: plt.text(x, y, ‘text’, ha=’center’, va=’bottom’) In bokeh I am plotting text using the following method: glyph = Text(x="x", y="y", …

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Bokeh & CustomJS: integrate HoverTool + CustomJS with TapTool

Bokeh & CustomJS: integrate HoverTool + CustomJS with TapTool Question: This is part of a series of questions related to this project: I have a dataset with 5000+ (x,y) coordinates divvied up into 1300+ groups. Using bokeh and its HoverTool function, I can plot the points and make it such that, when I hover over …

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Error while running bokeh server in dev mode

Error while running bokeh server in dev mode Question: When running: bokeh serve –dev –show my-bokeh The server starts and it works, but when I update the code of the application I expected it to refresh cause the "–dev" flag but it doesn’t update and I’m getting this error: C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalpypoetryCachevirtualenvsdashtest-XGo0CCLY-py3.10Scriptspython.exe: Error while finding module specification …

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Getting bar plot from dataframe

Getting bar plot from dataframe Question: I have a dataframe df like below: Now I like the bar plot of the first column i.e. year against the columns A, B, C, D. from import output_file, show from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.palettes import Spectral6 from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource from bokeh.transform import factor_cmap output_file("bar_charts.html") There …

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