
How to Create Piecewise Function in SymPy with Intervals

How to Create Piecewise Function in SymPy with Intervals Question: i need to create a piece-wise function inside an interval but sympy piecewise can’t use and (&). I read that the function can’t recieve Boolean values so I tried to add them together and it doesn’t seem to be right. The code is as follows: …

Total answers: 1

Element-wise logical OR in Pandas

Element-wise logical OR in Pandas Question: I am aware that AND corresponds to & and NOT, ~. What is the element-wise logical OR operator? I know "or" itself is not what I am looking for. Asked By: Keith || Source Answers: The corresponding operator is |: df[(df < 3) | (df == 5)] would elementwise …

Total answers: 3

Using "and" and "or" operator with Python strings

Using "and" and "or" operator with Python strings Question: I don’t understand the meaning of the Python code line: parameter and (" " + parameter) or "" which is using strings along with logical operators and and or. Also the type of the variable parameter is a string. In this context, as I can’t imagine …

Total answers: 6

How to perform element-wise Boolean operations on NumPy arrays

How to perform element-wise Boolean operations on NumPy arrays Question: For example, I would like to create a mask that masks elements with value between 40 and 60: foo = np.asanyarray(range(100)) mask = (foo < 40).__or__(foo > 60) Which just looks ugly. I can’t write (foo < 40) or (foo > 60) because I end …

Total answers: 4

Boolean operators vs Bitwise operators

Boolean operators vs Bitwise operators Question: I am confused as to when I should use Boolean vs bitwise operators and vs & or vs | Could someone enlighten me as to when do i use each and when will using one over the other affect my results? Asked By: Jiew Meng || Source Answers: Here …

Total answers: 9

Are there builtin functions for elementwise boolean operators over boolean lists?

Are there builtin functions for elementwise boolean operators over boolean lists? Question: For example, if you have n lists of bools of the same length, then elementwise boolean AND should return another list of that length that has True in those positions where all the input lists have True, and False everywhere else. It’s pretty …

Total answers: 5