
Bootstrap’s cards. How to shorten the words in card with … . Django & CSS

Bootstrap’s cards. How to shorten the words in card with … . Django & CSS Question: I am using the Bootstrap’s card to display my journals. It looks like this: Journal List However, when I insert a lot of word, the card size will be veryyyy long. Journal List With really long essay How to …

Total answers: 2

Django Bootstrap Search Bar on Navigation Bar

Django Bootstrap Search Bar on Navigation Bar Question: I have made a search bar on the navigation bar. What I want to do is I can directly search it on the search bar on navigation bar, then when I hit the search button, it show show the result. However, when I search it, it has …

Total answers: 2

Upload File in a folder without using submit button in Django

Upload File in a folder without using submit button in Django Question: I am on a Django project and the scenario is that I want to save file in a folder without clicking on submit button. I am already saving the file in a folder with the help of submit button but now the scenario …

Total answers: 1

django.template.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: 'bootstrap_field' received some positional argument(s) after some keyword argument(s)

django.template.exceptions.TemplateSyntaxError: 'bootstrap_field' received some positional argument(s) after some keyword argument(s) Question: I was trying to modify my django sign_in template with bootstrap field along with some arguments but i was not able too. Exception: C:UsershpDesktopfastparcelcoretemplatessign_in.html, error at line 25 ‘bootstrap_field’ received some positional argument(s) after some keyword argument(s) {% bootstrap_field form.username show_lable=False placeholder ="Email" %}` …

Total answers: 1

Error : Serializer getting multiple values for argument 'instance'

Error : Serializer getting multiple values for argument 'instance' Question: I am new to Django My task is to do CRUD operations using serializers, but this error has come here’s my function: def updateemp(request,id): Updateemp = EmpModel.objects.get(id=id) form = CRUDSerializer (request.POST,instance=Updateemp) if form.is_valid(): messages.success(request,’Record Updated Successfully…!:)’) return render(request,’Edit.html’,{"EmpModel":Updateemp}) serializer: class CRUDSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model …

Total answers: 1

How to display current date and time on Django website?

How to display current date and time on Django website? Question: I know how to print out current date and time in the console, but I am trying to add the date/time as a feature on my daily task Python website using Django and Bootstrap4. I have tried adding it as a function in my …

Total answers: 3