
How to prevent BrokenPipeError when doing a flush in Python?

How to prevent BrokenPipeError when doing a flush in Python? Question: Question: Is there a way to use flush=True for the print() function without getting the BrokenPipeError? I have a script for i in range(4000): print(i) I call it like this from a Unix command line: python3 | head -n3000 And it returns: …

Total answers: 8

How to prevent errno 32 broken pipe?

How to prevent errno 32 broken pipe? Question: Currently I am using an app built in python. When I run it in personal computer, it works without problems. However, when I move it into a production server. It keeps showing me the error attached as below:. I’ve done some research and I got the reason …

Total answers: 6

How to handle a broken pipe (SIGPIPE) in python?

How to handle a broken pipe (SIGPIPE) in python? Question: I’ve written a simple multi-threaded game server in python that creates a new thread for each client connection. I’m finding that every now and then, the server will crash because of a broken-pipe/SIGPIPE error. I’m pretty sure it is happening when the program tries to …

Total answers: 5