
Python – Reset BytesIO So Next File Isn't Appended

Python – Reset BytesIO So Next File Isn't Appended Question: I’m having a problem with BytesIO library in Python. I want to convert a pdf file that I have retrieved from an S3 bucket, and convert it into a dataframe using a custom function convert_bytes_to_df. The first pdf file is fine to convert to a …

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convert PIL.Image to IOBase class

convert PIL.Image to IOBase class Question: I have a bot that creates a qr code and I want it to send qr code to the user without saving it to the hard drive I create qr code like this: import qrcode qr_code_img = qrcode.make(‘some data’) # in handler used # qrcode.make(message.text’) print(type(qr_code_img)) # <class ‘qrcode.image.pil.PilImage’> …

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convert html file to BytesIO then pass as Flask variable

convert html file to BytesIO then pass as Flask variable Question: I’m trying to convert a HTML file to BytesIO so that I don’t need to write the file in the filesystem and get it from memory instead. I’ve read this about converting image to BytesIO however I can’t apply it to HTML file. I’m …

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Returning matplotlab figure with Telegram

Returning matplotlab figure with Telegram Question: I am trying to return matplotlib plots using pandas_datareader, matplotlib and Telegram. I have been studying the code here which covers a similar goal: Returning matplotlib plots using telegram bot but I am using a different technique with the telegram bot which does not align. Mainly I am using …

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How to get video metadata from bytes using imageio.v3?

How to get video metadata from bytes using imageio.v3? Question: I am creating a python class to process videos received from a http post. The videos can be from a wide range of sizes, 10 seconds up to 10 hours. I am looking for a way to get video metadata such as fps, height, width …

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Open a file (of type BytesIO) with the function

Open a file (of type BytesIO) with the function Question: I have the following pieces of code: this part generates the CSV in memory: def to_csv(events: list) -> io.BytesIO(): if not events: return None bio = io.BytesIO() iow = io.TextIOWrapper(bio) writer = csv.DictWriter(iow, fieldnames=events[0].keys()) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(events) iow.flush() return bio this part sends this file …

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TorchServe: How to convert bytes output to tensors

TorchServe: How to convert bytes output to tensors Question: I have a model that is served using TorchServe. I’m communicating with the TorchServe server using gRPC. The final postprocess method of the custom handler defined returns a list which is converted into bytes for transfer over the network. The post process method def postprocess(self, data): …

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Render NumPy array in FastAPI

Render NumPy array in FastAPI Question: I have found How to return a numpy array as an image using FastAPI?, however, I am still struggling to show the image, which appears just as a white square. I read an array into io.BytesIO like so: def iterarray(array): output = io.BytesIO() np.savez(output, array) yield output.get_value() In my …

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Converting bytes to file in Django / Python

Converting bytes to file in Django / Python Question: In my Django app, I have a PDF in bytes: print(myPDF) > b’%PDF-1.3n1 0 objn<<n/Type /Pagesn/Count 2…. I want to save it in my database: obj.document = myPDF However I keep getting an ‘bytes’ object has no attribute ‘_committed’ error on save. Asked By: bones225 …

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Convert from '_io.BytesIO' to a bytes-like object in python3.6?

Convert from '_io.BytesIO' to a bytes-like object in python3.6? Question: I am using this function to uncompress the body or a HTTP response if it is compressed with gzip, compress or deflate. def uncompress_body(self, compression_type, body): if compression_type == ‘gzip’ or compression_type == ‘compress’: return zlib.decompress(body) elif compression_type == ‘deflate’: compressor = zlib.compressobj(9, zlib.DEFLATED, -zlib.MAX_WBITS) …

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