
How to convert the distance between object and camera from pixel for meter?

How to convert the distance between object and camera from pixel for meter? Question: I need to convert the distance between object and camera from pixels to meter/cm frame by frame and then calculate the speed of moving object. In the first frame, the distance of object from camera is 4 meter, and Focal length …

Total answers: 2

How to project a chessboard in camera coordinates to real-world coordinates in OpenCV using rvecs and tvecs outputs of cv.calibrateCamera?

How to project a chessboard in camera coordinates to real-world coordinates in OpenCV using rvecs and tvecs outputs of cv.calibrateCamera? Question: Situation Following the Camera Calibration tutorial in OpenCV I managed to get an undistorted image of a checkboard using cv.calibrateCamera: Original image: (named image.tif in my computer) Code: import numpy as np import cv2 …

Total answers: 3

cv2 triangulatePoints always returns same Z value

cv2 triangulatePoints always returns same Z value Question: I am trying to get 3D points using cv2.triangulatePoints but it always returns almost same Z value. My output looks like this: As it seen, all points are in almost same Z value. There is no depth. Here is my triangulation: def triangulate(self, proj_mat1, pts0, pts1): proj_mat0 …

Total answers: 2

Why does the camera calibration in opencv-python takes more than 30 minutes?

Why does the camera calibration in opencv-python takes more than 30 minutes? Question: I was trying to replicate this camera calibration code. When I run my script, the calibration process won’t stop for about 30 minutes (I expected the intrinsic camera matrix for the output). What is wrong with my code? Why does the calibration …

Total answers: 3

Bird's eye view perspective transformation from camera calibration opencv python

Bird's eye view perspective transformation from camera calibration opencv python Question: I am trying to get the bird’s eye view perspective transform from camera intrinsic, extrinsic matrices and distortion coefficients. I tried using the answer from this question. The image used is the sample image left02.jpg from the opencv official github repo I calibrated the …

Total answers: 2

Automate Image capturing using Cognex's In-sight Explorer

Automate Image capturing using Cognex's In-sight Explorer Question: I am new to Cognex’s in-sight explorer. I am using it for test automation and I want to know is it possible to capture image using a script [preference is python, but other scripting methods are welcome]. I have my Test Cases [TC] running using python scripts, …

Total answers: 1

How I make color calibration in opencv using a colorchecker?

How I make color calibration in opencv using a colorchecker? Question: I have a image of the colorchecker get by a digital camera, how i use this to calibrate the images using opencv? follow below the colorchecker image: Asked By: aliel || Source Answers: Are you asking how to do color calibration or how to …

Total answers: 2