
Getting multiple cryptos' ohlc values in ccxt or binance python api?

Getting multiple cryptos' ohlc values in ccxt or binance python api? Question: I’m trying to create an automated bot according to my strategy but I’m struggling with a few things: 1- In ccxt, I can get OHLC data of a specified symbol. But I couldn’t find any data on both documentation and google etc, about …

Total answers: 2

Trend line continuation

Trend line continuation Question: I have 2 trends lines, that is generate automatically with candlestick date (high, low, close, open). When this is generated I store the trend line values. When I load this data I need that the lines continues on future. For exemple: I had a Dataframe: At 10:00 -> df.iloc[0][‘TrendLine’] = 100 …

Total answers: 3