
Why n does not expand when read file but yes in built-in strings?

Why n does not expand when read file but yes in built-in strings? Question: If you run tmpl = "This is the first linen And this is the second line" print("tmpl) you get This is the first line And this is the second line So you get a new line expanded. But if you write …

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Why we need a carriage return r before the new line character n?

Why we need a carriage return r before the new line character n? Question: In the following code the HTTP protocol needs two newline character but what is the need of the r there. Why can’t we just add two n and send the request? import socket mysock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) mysock.connect((“”,80)) cmd = ‘GET …

Total answers: 2

Python serial (pySerial) Reading lines with EOL r instead of n

Python serial (pySerial) Reading lines with EOL r instead of n Question: I am communicating with an SR830 lock-in amplifier via an RS232 cable. When reading the data as in the following code: import serial def main(): ser = serial.Serial( port=’COM6′, baudrate=19200, parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS) ser.timeout=1 ser.write(“OUTP? 1 rn”.encode()) #Asks the Lock-in for x-value ser.write(“++readrn”.encode()) …

Total answers: 3

How to explicitly set carriage return when doing json.dump?

How to explicitly set carriage return when doing json.dump? Question: My python script generates json file. And I have to support this python file working on windows and linux. The problem is a difference carriage return on windows and linux. When I run this code on windows, it outputs CRLF json. And it outputs LF …

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Replace carriage returns in list python

Replace carriage returns in list python Question: I have a list of values and need to remove errant carriage returns whenever they occur in a list of values. the format of the file that I am looking to remove these in is as follows. field1|field2|field3|field4|field5 value 1|value 2|value 3|value 4|value 5 value 1|value 2|value 3|value …

Total answers: 5

python: print using carriage return and comma not working

python: print using carriage return and comma not working Question: I need to print over one line in a loop (Python 3.x). Looking around on SO already, I put this line in my code: print(‘{0} importedr’.format(tot),) However, it still prints multiple lines when looped through. I have also tried sys.stdout.write(‘{0} importedr’.format(tot)) but this doesn’t print …

Total answers: 3