
Can't install Proj 8.0.0 for cartopy linux

Can't install Proj 8.0.0 for cartopy linux Question: I am trying to install Cartopy on Ubuntu and need to install proj v8.0.0 binaries for Cartopy. However when I try to apt-get install proj-bin I can only get proj v6.3.1. How do I install the latest (or at least v8.0.0) proj for cartopy? Asked By: Recessive …

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How to use Cartopy with gridspec

How to use Cartopy with gridspec Question: I would like to create a plot with a Cartopy plot on the left-hand side and two stacked Matplotlib plots on the right-hand side. If I’d only use Matplotlib plots, the code would be as follows. import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np …

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Draw circle with longitude, latitude and radius (km) in cartopy of python

Draw circle with longitude, latitude and radius (km) in cartopy of python Question: #!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys import pandas as pd import cartopy import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import shapely.geometry as sgeom import numpy as np from cartopy.geodesic import Geodesic if __name__ == ‘__main__’: stn = pd.read_csv(‘obs_station.csv’) gd = Geodesic() lcc …

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Cartopy not able to Identify GEOS for PROJ install on Windows

Cartopy not able to Identify GEOS for PROJ install on Windows Question: I am trying to install Cartopy on Windows. I have installed all the dependencies from their website, however when I go to run pip install Cartopy I get: Complete output (5 lines): UserWarning: Unable to determine GEOS version. Ensure you have 3.7.2 …

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Cartopy can't download shapefiles because a certificate is not trusted

Cartopy can't download shapefiles because a certificate is not trusted Question: I need to use cartopy to plot a thing. Running the example from their website import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) ax.coastlines() I get a wonderfully long error related to a certificate that can’t be verified when cartopy …

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Overlay line on Cartopy projection with n dots on line

Overlay line on Cartopy projection with n dots on line Question: I am trying to overlay a line on a cartopy projection that is from specified point A to specified point B and then have the line have n=10 points along the path at a set interval. I do not currently have exact locations of …

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How to overlay a vector annotation image on the top of a cartopy map?

How to overlay a vector annotation image on the top of a cartopy map? Question: How to overlay a vector annotation image on the top of a cartopy map? import as cimgt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as ccrs from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER class TDT(cmigt.GoogleWTS): def _image_url(self, tile): x, y, z = …

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plotting data from netcdf with cartopy isnt plotting data at 0 longitude

plotting data from netcdf with cartopy isnt plotting data at 0 longitude Question: im beggining my journey with gridded data, and ive been trying to plot some temperature data from a netcdf file with cartopy. I followed some examples and i cant understand why my plots have a white line in the middle. (i already …

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Plotting data on map in Mercator projector looks flipped 90 deg latitude

Plotting data on map in Mercator projector looks flipped 90 deg latitude Question: I am using Arch Linux with cartopy version 0.17.0 installed on the system through packagemanager. I am trying to plot a simple satellite image from hdf5 file with cartopy as plotting tool. Following is the sample code I am trying to do …

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MatplotLib 'saveFig()' Fullscreen

MatplotLib 'saveFig()' Fullscreen Question: I used MatplotLib with Cartopy to generate some data images. The problem is that when I set the frame size to fullscreen and use the image is perfect and the resolution is fine. However, when I save this figure using ‘plt.savefig()’ the image saved keeps with its original size (not …

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