
Spark + Kafka app, getting "CassandraCatalogException: Attempting to write to C* Table but missing primary key columns: [col1,col2,col3]"

Spark + Kafka app, getting "CassandraCatalogException: Attempting to write to C* Table but missing primary key columns: [col1,col2,col3]" Question: Run env kafka —-ReadStream—-> local —-WriteStream—-> cassandra source code place on local and kafka, local, writeStream is different IP Table columns are: col1 | col2 | col3 | col4 | col5 | col6 | col7 df.printSchema …

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Query cassandra table in Databricks using python cassandra driver

Query cassandra table in Databricks using python cassandra driver Question: I’m trying to optimize a way to query a cassadnra table when working in databricks. After reading this article, the author suggest to query the cassandra table one row at the time and union each results. My attempt, using the python cassandra driver, is …

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Building cassandra-website with docker yields a python3 permissions error

Building cassandra-website with docker yields a python3 permissions error Question: I am trying to build Python3 is installed, I started the docker daemon, git pull and then run ./ website preview but it yields the following permissions issue even though I am running as root. [root@localhost cassandra-website]# ./ website preview Server Docker Engine version: …

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CQLSH ImportError: cannot import name ensure_str

CQLSH ImportError: cannot import name ensure_str Question: I have installed Cassandra database on my CentOs system. after that, I tried to install the Cqlsh package using this command sudo yum install cqlsh and it has been installed successfully. but when I tried to run cqlsh from the terminal, the following error appears: ImportError: cannot import …

Total answers: 5

How to insert Pandas DataFrame into Cassandra?

How to insert Pandas DataFrame into Cassandra? Question: I have a dataframe as below: df date time open high low last 01-01-2017 11:00:00 37 45 36 42 01-01-2017 11:23:00 36 43 33 38 01-01-2017 12:00:00 45 55 35 43 …. I want to write it into cassandra. It’s kind of bulk upload after processing on …

Total answers: 3

Unit Tests for Python: Mock Patch

Unit Tests for Python: Mock Patch Question: I am trying to write Unit Tests for Cassandra but am not able to get it work. Here is the code: import uuid from cassandra.cqlengine import columns from datetime import datetime from cassandra.cqlengine.models import Model class CassandraRunLog(Model): pipeline_id = columns.Text(partition_key=True, max_length=180) task_id = columns.Text(partition_key=True, max_length=180) execution_date = …

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Spark with Cassandra python setup

Spark with Cassandra python setup Question: I am trying to use spark to do some simple computations on Cassandra tables, but I am quite lost. I am trying to follow: So I’m running the PySpark shell: with ./bin/pyspark –packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.11:2.0.0-M3 But I am not sure how to set things up from here. How do …

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pyspark datastax cassandra connector keeps connecting to localhost

pyspark datastax cassandra connector keeps connecting to localhost Question: I am trying to connect pyspark to cassandra using datastax driver conf = SparkConf() .setAppName(‘Test’) .setMaster(‘local[4]’) .set(“”, “”) sc = SparkContext(conf=conf) sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) df =“org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra”). options(table=”test”, keyspace=”test_keyspace”).load() For some reason it keeps connecting to instead of Caused by: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried …

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Django / Cassandra: can not createsuperuser

Django / Cassandra: can not createsuperuser Question: I am running Debian server with Django and Cassandra. I am not able to create the admin user via command: python createsuperuser Running the command causes an error: cassandra.protocol.SyntaxException: <Error from server: code=2000 [Syntax error in CQL query] message=”line 1:260 no viable alternative at input ‘.’ (…auth_user.date_joined …

Total answers: 2