
How to divide values in one column to create 2 new columns from DataFrame in Python Pandas?

How to divide values in one column to create 2 new columns from DataFrame in Python Pandas? Question: I have DataFrame in Python Pandas like below (of course in real DataFrame I have many more columns): COL1 | COL2 | … | COLn ———————————–|——-|——|——– ABC_20220830_CP_6M_BEFORE_100_200 |XXX | …. | … XXA_20220830_CP_6M_BEFORE_150_300 |AAA | …. | …

Total answers: 1

Issue in character identifier for abs() in map() Python

Issue in character identifier for abs() in map() Python Question: Here the only one problem: list(map(abs, [−1, −2, 0, 1, 2])) ^ invalid character in identifier abs should do it in right way, but map had a problem. So, how to solve this problem? Asked By: whoami || Source Answers: You’ve got the Unicode minus …

Total answers: 2

Regex to match all Hangul (Korean) characters and syllable blocks

Regex to match all Hangul (Korean) characters and syllable blocks Question: I’m trying to validate user input (in Python) and see if the right language is being used, Korean in this case. Lets take the Korean word for email address: 이메일 주소 I can check each character like so: import unicodedata as ud for chr …

Total answers: 2

Remove the 0b in binary

Remove the 0b in binary Question: I am trying to convert a binary number I have to take out the 0b string out. I understand how to get a bin number x = 17 print(bin(17)) ‘0b10001’ but I want to take the 0b in the string out and I am having some issues with doing …

Total answers: 10

Python printing special Characters

Python printing special Characters Question: In Python how do I print special characters such as √, ∞, ²,³, ≤, ≥, ±, ≠ When I try printing this to the console I the get this error: print(“√”) SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character ‘xe2’ in file /Users/williamfiset/Desktop/MathAid – Python/ on line 4, but no encoding declared; see for …

Total answers: 1