
chmod 777 to python script

chmod 777 to python script Question: Trying to translate linux cmd to python script Linux cmds: chmod 777 file1 file1/tmp file2 file2/tmp file3 file3/tmp I know of os.chmod(file, 0777) but I’m not sure how to use it for the above line. Asked By: Xandy || Source Answers: os.chmod takes a single filename as argument, so …

Total answers: 4

Python module os.chmod(file, 664) does not change the permission to rw-rw-r– but -w–wx—-

Python module os.chmod(file, 664) does not change the permission to rw-rw-r– but -w–wx—- Question: Recently I am using Python module os, when I tried to change the permission of a file, I did not get the expected result. For example, I intended to change the permission to rw-rw-r–, os.chmod(“/tmp/test_file”, 664) The ownership permission is actually …

Total answers: 7

How do you do a simple "chmod +x" from within python?

How do you do a simple "chmod +x" from within python? Question: I want to create a file from within a python script that is executable. import os import stat os.chmod(‘somefile’, stat.S_IEXEC) it appears os.chmod doesn’t ‘add’ permissions the way unix chmod does. With the last line commented out, the file has the filemode -rw-r–r–, …

Total answers: 8