
Enter key works manually but not when sent via paramiko invoke_shell.sendall

Enter key works manually but not when sent via paramiko invoke_shell.sendall Question: I am looking for a way to login via SSH to a Cisco UCS server and execute few commands. I am able to login and execute several commands and get the output. But the one command that requires y and ENTER KEY doesn’t …

Total answers: 1

Why am I getting a 403 error when making a POST request using tetpyclient?

Why am I getting a 403 error when making a POST request using tetpyclient? Question: Trying to make a POST request in Cisco’s Tetration API using their tetpyclient. I get a 200 response when using a get request, but 403 when making POST request with json filters for querying flows. Is my syntax for the …

Total answers: 1

text2pcap is not detecting the below format

text2pcap is not detecting the below format Question: I am trying to convert the hex dump obtained from a Cisco router via embedded packet capture feature to pcap file. My input format is as listed below 0 0000: 70E42273 90D2003A 7D36A502 81000183 p."s…:}6…… 0010: 080045C0 003BB1BF 40000106 8FA20A10 ..E..;..@……. 0020: 91BD0A10 91BEAC03 00B313C4 EE96E803 ……………. …

Total answers: 1

What is the difference between exec_command and send with invoke_shell() on Paramiko?

What is the difference between exec_command and send with invoke_shell() on Paramiko? Question: So what is the difference between SSHClient.exec_command() and send with SSHClient.invoke_shell on Paramiko? I can send and execute command with exec_command to MikroTik router device but can’t execute it with send (invoke_shell()). On the other hand, I can send and execute command …

Total answers: 1

Paramiko – Bad Authentication Type [Cisco SG-300 Switch]

Paramiko – Bad Authentication Type [Cisco SG-300 Switch] Question: I use the configuration script over the ssh on the following link.The Script is not important, the important thing is that importing parmaiko module. But I added a link: And related piece of code: import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) try: ssh.connect(hostname=host,port=port,username=username,password=password,timeout=timeout) except Exception as …

Total answers: 2

ssl.SSLError: tlsv1 alert protocol version

ssl.SSLError: tlsv1 alert protocol version Question: I’m using the REST API for a Cisco CMX device, and trying to write Python code which makes a GET request to the API for information. The code is as follows and is the same as that in the file except with the necessary information changed. from http.client import …

Total answers: 11