
can't classify the inputs of an formula by output.(celcius-fahrenheit)

can't classify the inputs of an formula by output.(celcius-fahrenheit) Question: I am learning deep learning for a while by myself. However, I try to build a classification model in pytorch. The input and output can be taken from formula of celcius-fahrenheit. C = (F-32)/1.8 The inputs are value of fahrenheit and the outputs are classified …

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SKLearn & ElasticNet: Cross validation fails when using Accuracy as a metric

SKLearn & ElasticNet: Cross validation fails when using Accuracy as a metric Question: I have a binary classification problem. I’ve been using cross validation to optimize the ElasticNet parameters. However ElasticNet only seems to work when I supply roc_auc as the scoring method to be used during CV, However I also want to test out …

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High accuracy training but low accuracy test/prediction

High accuracy training but low accuracy test/prediction Question: I am using CNN to classify apple type. I achieved high accuracy on train data but really low accuracy on test data. Data is split into 80:20. I am not sure if my data is overfitting or not. I have 2 folders that contain TraningData and TestData, …

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generating multi classifier training data from document

generating multi classifier training data from document Question: I am looking for guidance to generate multiple classifier training data from document. e.g. if particular document has three sections with each 10 pages in each sections. (total 30 pages) I am looking for open source library, where I can pass on document (explicitly specifying section 1, …

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Python library for dot product classification

Python library for dot product classification Question: I have the following python pyseudo-code: A1 = "101000001111" A2 = "110000010101" B2 = "000111010000" B2 = "000110100000" # TODO get X = [x1, x2, …, x12] assert(A1 * X > .5) assert(A2 * X > .5) assert(B1 * X < .5) assert(B2 * X < .5) So …

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Assign class to a sample in Python

Assign class to a sample in Python Question: I need to create a function that will compare a sample from a list (unknown_dataset) to two other datasets (red_dataset and blue_dataset) to find the shortest distance on then classify the sample. So far I have fucntions to calculate distance #function to calculate all distances def calculate_distance(p1, …

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Why does my neural network perform different on the same images during training and testing?

Why does my neural network perform different on the same images during training and testing? Question: I use tensorflow to build a neural network that classifies images of covid-19 rapid tests into three classes (Negative, Positive, Empty). During training the tensorboard logs denote a validation accuracy of around 90%. But when I test the network …

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IMPORT ERROR when importing from sklearn.ensemble?

IMPORT ERROR when importing from sklearn.ensemble? Question: I received an import error when importing the HistGradientBooostingClassifier from sklearn.ensemble I typed in jupyter notebook: ‘from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier’ . Asked By: Augustine Williams || Source Answers: The first result from a (US) Google search for ImportError from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier is this issue from the scikit-learn …

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predict_proba method available in OneVsRestClassifier

predict_proba method available in OneVsRestClassifier Question: I am using sklearn‘s OneVsOneClassifier in an pipeline like so: smt = SMOTE(random_state=42) base_model = LogisticRegression() pipeline = Pipeline([(‘sampler’, smt), (‘model’, base_model)]) classifier = OneVsOneClassifier(estimator=pipeline), y_train) # prediction yhat = classifier.predict(X_test) But then I cannot do: yhat_prob = predict_proba(X_test) AttributeError: ‘OneVsOneClassifier’ object has no attribute ‘predict_proba’ scikit-learns OneVsRestClassifier …

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