
Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Scala and others

Interpreting a benchmark in C, Clojure, Python, Ruby, Scala and others Question: Disclaimer I know that artificial benchmarks are evil. They can show results only for very specific narrow situation. I don’t assume that one language is better than the other because of the some stupid bench. However I wonder why results is so different. …

Total answers: 13

Matrix Multiplication in Clojure vs Numpy

Matrix Multiplication in Clojure vs Numpy Question: I’m working on an application in Clojure that needs to multiply large matrices and am running into some large performance issues compared to an identical Numpy version. Numpy seems to be able to multiply a 1,000,000×23 matrix by its transpose in under a second, while the equivalent clojure …

Total answers: 9

Clojure equivalent to Python's "any" and "all" functions?

Clojure equivalent to Python's "any" and "all" functions? Question: Are there built in functions in Clojure similar to Python’s any and all functions? For example, in Python, it’s all([True, 1, ‘non-empty string’]) == True. Asked By: TorelTwiddler || Source Answers: (every? f data) [docs] is the same as all(f(x) for x in data). (some f …

Total answers: 2