
Deep Learning training slower on Google Cloud VM than Local PC

Deep Learning training slower on Google Cloud VM than Local PC Question: I am trying to train an LSTM neural network using Pytorch. On my own computer the process is quite slow due to the complexity of the model and size of the dataset. My initial thought was to move the training to a cloud …

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Run python code in cloud without stopping

Run python code in cloud without stopping Question: I have python code that depends on specific libraries like selenium and interaction with google chrome to extract data from the web. my code works fine but i need a lot of records to do analysis, so i can’t leave my computer on, to run the script …

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Python WordCloud – How to make the word colour based on a data column

Python WordCloud – How to make the word colour based on a data column Question: I have a list of film titles that I want on a Word Cloud, but the colours of the films depending on the film category (e.g. Drama, Comedy etc.) rather than completely random. The data is in the form of …

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Can I turn off parallel jobs in Azure DevOps pipeline?

Can I turn off parallel jobs in Azure DevOps pipeline? Question: I am new to Azure pipelines. I am trying to create pipeline for deploying simple python application. But I get error No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted As I understand microsoft disabled the free grant of parallel jobs for public projects and …

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Getting proper api version for azure python delete_by_id method

Getting proper api version for azure python delete_by_id method Question: I’m working on automated deletion of Azure resources based on tags attached to these resources. I’m using Azure SDK for python ( – I found how to get a list of my resources and that I can delete them with ResourceManagementClient with resources.delete_by_id method. However, …

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Python to create Google Storage buckets

Python to create Google Storage buckets Question: I am trying to use python to create a storage bucket on Google Cloud in a campaign to teach myself python and Cloud computing. I have created the script below and it works well: “””Creates a new bucket.””” import gcloud from gcloud import storage client = storage.Client(project=’boot-script-test’) bucket_name …

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Automating pydrive verification process

Automating pydrive verification process Question: I am trying to automate the GoogleAuth process when using the pydrive library ( I’ve set up the pydrive and the google API such that my secret_client.json works but it requires web authentication for gdrive access every time i run my script: from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth from import GoogleDrive …

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