
How do I use snippets for Jupyter Notebook with VSCode?

How do I use snippets for Jupyter Notebook with VSCode? Question: I’ve been using VSCode for a while and at the moment I am trying to set up snippets to work. They seem to work well with simple Python (.py) files but not with Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) files. Is there any way to make them …

Total answers: 3

Get human readable version of file size?

Get human readable version of file size? Question: A function to return human readable size from bytes size: >>> human_readable(2048) ‘2 kilobytes’ >>> How to do this? Asked By: Sridhar Ratnakumar || Source Answers: One such library is hurry.filesize. >>> from hurry.filesize import alternative >>> size(1, system=alternative) ‘1 byte’ >>> size(10, system=alternative) ’10 bytes’ >>> …

Total answers: 27

Short (and useful) python snippets

Short (and useful) python snippets Question: In spirit of the existing “what’s your most useful C/C++ snippet” – thread: Do you guys have short, monofunctional Python snippets that you use (often) and would like to share with the StackOverlow Community? Please keep the entries small (under 25 lines maybe?) and give only one example per …

Total answers: 22

Short Python Code to say "Pick the lower value"?

Short Python Code to say "Pick the lower value"? Question: What I mean is, I’m looking for really short code that returns the lower value. for example: a=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] b=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] len(a) = 10 len(b) = 8 if (fill-this-in): print(lesser-value) And I forgot to add that if b is lower than a, I want b returned – …

Total answers: 8