
Why I receive ImportError: cannot import name 'just_fix_windows_console' from 'colorama'?

Why I receive ImportError: cannot import name 'just_fix_windows_console' from 'colorama'? Question: I have to use BayesianOptimization for hyper parameter tuning for neural networks, for the same when I’m importing it using, from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization, the following error is obtained `ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) in <module> —-> 1 from bayes_opt import BayesianOptimization …

Total answers: 3

Colorama, Fore is applying red to the whole code

Colorama, Fore is applying red to the whole code Question: So I have imported the module Colorama and used print(Fore.RED + "JasoPC copyright 2022") and it applies this to every print and text displayed under it, how do I fix this? import colorama from colorama import Fore user = input("Please enter your name_>>> ") print(Fore.RED …

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How to color text output from Pandas Dataframe in terminal (Linux)?

How to color text output from Pandas Dataframe in terminal (Linux)? Question: I want to be able to print data from data_dict with different colors based on the positive or negative value with Pandas DataFrame text in a linux terminal. data_dict = {"Key1":[1,-2,3], "Key2":[1,2,-3]} df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict) print(df) Is there a way to use colorama.Fore …

Total answers: 2

python colorama print all colors

python colorama print all colors Question: I am new to learning Python, and I came across colorama. As a test project, I wanted to print out all the available colors in colorama. from colorama import Fore from colorama import init as colorama_init colorama_init(autoreset=True) colors = [x for x in dir(Fore) if x[0] != "_"] for …

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Python – Changing IDLE Text color not working on Windows

Python – Changing IDLE Text color not working on Windows Question: I am using colorama to try to simulate in the IDLE shell. Here is my code: from colorama import Fore, Back, Style print(Fore.RED + ‘some red text’) print(Back.GREEN + ‘and with a green background’) print(Style.DIM + ‘and in dim text’) print(Style.RESET_ALL) print(‘back to normal …

Total answers: 3

Tee does not show output or write to file

Tee does not show output or write to file Question: I wrote a python script to monitor the statuses of some network resources, an infinite pinger if you will. It pings the same 3 nodes forever until it receives a keyboard interrupt. I tried using tee to redirect the output of the program to a …

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