
Why a string starting with 'cat….' outputs with a different color in Programiz?

Why a string starting with 'cat….' outputs with a different color in Programiz? Question: I can’t figure out why when I print a string starting with ‘cat..’ (like category, cathedral, catch, …) in the Programiz Online Python Compiler it appears in green (or gray and italic in dark mode) instead of black (or white in …

Total answers: 2

How to use color science and OpenCV in Python

How to use color science and OpenCV in Python Question: Here is my code using Colour to do color calibration. It uses numpy float64 type but how can I convert back to the format that is compatible in openCV, ideally uint8 because Canny only works with uint8? import colour import numpy as np import cv2 …

Total answers: 2

Need help making every petal on a flower a different color

Need help making every petal on a flower a different color Question: How do make every petal on a flower a different color? I tried doing this but it resulted in every flower petal being the same color. Im not sure how I can make every flower petal a different color. import turtle import random …

Total answers: 1

Coloring data sets with two colors in Spyder(Python 3.9)

Coloring data sets with two colors in Spyder(Python 3.9) Question: I have a dataset with 569 data points, each associated with two features and labelled either as 0 0r 1. Based on the label, I want to make a scatterplot graph such that data point associated with label 0 gets a green dot while the …

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Determine basic color names from HEX or RGB in python

Determine basic color names from HEX or RGB in python Question: I am trying to find out if a hex color is "blue". This might be a very subjective thing when comparing different (lighter/ darker) shades of blue or close to blue colors but in my case it does not have to be very precise. …

Total answers: 2

How to fix NameError: name 'colors' is not defined

How to fix NameError: name 'colors' is not defined Question: Trying to plot this code but encountering this error and unable to find resolution of correcting: df = pd.read_csv("./train.csv") # Bar plot for exercise induced angina by heart disease. # Y: Yes, N: No fig, ax=plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 5), sharey=True) l = [‘index’, ‘exercise angina’] …

Total answers: 1

Python Color Escape Sequences Different Foreground and Background color with 256 colors

ANSI Color Escape Sequences Different Foreground and Background color with 256 colors Question: I’m using the ANSI Escape Sequence codes to add color to terminal output in my program. I am mainly using this code, where COLOR can be any value between 0 and 255 to achieve great color variation. 33[38;5;COLOR;1m TEXT u001b[0m The problem …

Total answers: 1

Color correction using least square method

Color correction using least square method Question: I have tried color correcting an image using the least square method. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work, this is supposed to be the standard way of color calibration. First I pull in the above image in CR3 format, convert it to RGB space then crop out …

Total answers: 1