
Regex to Remove Block Comments but Keep Empty Lines?

Regex to Remove Block Comments but Keep Empty Lines? Question: Is it possible to remove a block comment without removing the line breaks with a regex? Let’s say I have this text: text = """Keep this /* this has to go this should go too but leave empty line */ This stays on line number …

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Make :: function as a comment

Make :: function as a comment Question: Pretty simple question, i’d like for :: to work as remark print("Hello") #This prints Hello print("hello") ::This prints hello #This is a remark/comment ::This should also be a remark is there any function that allows me to assign :: to work as # Asked By: Remi || Source …

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Why does a set of double quote comment have effect on real code

Why does a set of double quote comment have effect on real code Question: This is the code which be reported error unexpexted indentation(because of the comment YOUR CODE HERE double quoted) while score0 < goal and score1 < goal: if who == 0: num_rolls = strategy0(score0, score1) score0 += take_turn(num_rolls, score1, dice) who = …

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PyCharm comment print lines

PyCharm comment print lines Question: Is there any shortcut in the IntelliJ IDE such as PyCharm to comment all the lines start with ‘print’? Since during the debug I always write many prints, after the code runs well I want to find a convenient way to comment on all lines starting with ‘print’. Now I …

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What is the shortcut key to comment multiple lines using PyCharm IDE?

What is the shortcut key to comment multiple lines using PyCharm IDE? Question: In Corey Schafer’s Programming Terms: Mutable vs Immutable, at 3:06, he selected multiple lines and commented them out in PyCharm all in one action. What is this action? Is it a built-in shortcut in PyCharm that I can use or configure myself? …

Total answers: 5

What does '# noqa' mean in Python comments?

What does '# noqa' mean in Python comments? Question: While searching through a Python project, I found a few lines commented with # noqa. import sys sys.path.append(r’C:dev’) import some_module # noqa What does noqa mean in Python? Is it specific to Python only? Asked By: Ishpreet || Source Answers: Adding # noqa to a line …

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How to comment parameters for pydoc

How to comment parameters for pydoc Question: Is there a way to comment the parameters of a function to make them recognized by the pydoc library ? i.e what is the docstring for pydoc? Asked By: PatriceG || Source Answers: pydoc doesn’t recognise “structured” elements in docstrings, it just outputs the docstring as is. See …

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How to write an inline-comment in Python

How to write an inline-comment in Python Question: Is there a method of ending single line comments in Python? Something like /* This is my comment */ some more code here… Asked By: Cease || Source Answers: No, there are no inline comments in Python. From the documentation: A comment starts with a hash character …

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Is there a way to put comments in multiline code?

Is there a way to put comments in multiline code? Question: This doesn’t work: something = line_of_code * # Comment another_line_of_code * # Comment and_another_one * # Comment etc Neither does this: something = # Comment line_of_code * # Comment another_line_of_code * … Neither does this: something = ”’ Comment ”’ line_of_code * ”’ Comment …

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Python: skip comment lines marked with # in csv.DictReader

Python: skip comment lines marked with # in csv.DictReader Question: Processing CSV files with csv.DictReader is great – but I have CSV files with comment lines (indicated by a hash at the start of a line), for example: # step size=1.61853 val0,val1,val2,hybridisation,temp,smattr 0.206895,0.797923,0.202077,0.631199,0.368801,0.311052,0.688948,0.597237,0.402763 -169.32,1,1.61853,2.04069e-92,1,0.000906546,0.999093,0.241356,0.758644,0.202382 # adaptation finished The csv module doesn’t include any way to …

Total answers: 5