
How to detect figures in a paper news image in Python?

How to detect figures in a paper news image in Python? Question: So i have this project in Python (Computer Vision), which is seperating text from figures of an image (like a paper news image). My question is what’s the best way to detect those figures in the paper ? (in Python). Paper image example …

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Is there a way to speed up the Save method with PIL?

Is there a way to speed up the Save method with PIL? Question: I have an API that saves an the image to S3 bucket and returns the S3 URL but the saving part of the PIL image is slow. Here is a snippet of code: from PIL import Image import io import boto3 BUCKET …

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image segmentation background subtraction

Image segmentation background subtraction Question: I need to tweak this code from real-time to still image. This code can already remove the background in real-time but I want to change it into still image. I need the code for my project. # Data Flair background removal # import necessary packages import os import cv2 import …

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How to transform and get coordinates/shapes from results of MMDetection?

How to transform and get coordinates/shapes from results of MMDetection? Question: Official demo shows we could use show_result(img, result, out_file=’result.jpg’) api to draw results on a picture. model = init_detector(‘configs/’, ‘checkpoints/any-checkpoints.pth’, device=’cpu’) results = inference_detector(model, ‘some_pic.png’) model.show_result(‘some_pic.png’, results, ‘some_pic_results.png’) In debug tool I found format of results is a tuple contains list[][]. How should we …

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Color correction using least square method

Color correction using least square method Question: I have tried color correcting an image using the least square method. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work, this is supposed to be the standard way of color calibration. First I pull in the above image in CR3 format, convert it to RGB space then crop out …

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!_map1.empty() in function 'cv::remap'

!_map1.empty() in function 'cv::remap' Question: I am trying to build this stereo vision obstacle distance detection system using a tutorial, but keep hitting a brick wall and could use some advice, please. When running either disparity2depth or obstacle_avoidance files, I get the same xml file read errors and remap error at both rectification lines. [error:[email protected]] …

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(OpenCV , cv2) The cv2.error while capture the image through camera lens

(OpenCV , cv2) The cv2.error while capture the image through camera lens Question: Error (-215) size.width>0 && size.height>0 occurred when attempting to display an image using OpenCV I have the similar issue with this discussion, after I read it still don’t have clue for how to address mine,that I post my case here I use …

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How to print the highest mAP in yolov7 from the training?

How to print the highest mAP in yolov7 from the training? Question: When I train yolov7 using the following command !python –data {dataset.location}/data.yaml –weights ‘’ –device 0 –hyp "hyp.scratch.custom.yaml" Output: Epoch gpu_mem box obj cls total labels img_size 100/299 10.5G 0.05475 0.02964 0 0.08439 243 640: 100% 15/15 [00:11<00:00, 1.31it/s] Class Images Labels P …

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troubleshoot openVINO model output for cv2 rectangle

troubleshoot openVINO model output for cv2 rectangle Question: I am experimenting with this openVINO Zoo model for person detection. What I am stuck on is if I am handling the model architecture correctly. This is the info for the model input and model output. (all 3 links are to the same page but different locations) …

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How to detect text box and its coordinates in Python?

How to detect text box and its coordinates in Python? Question: I have the following image: And essentially, I would like to get the following result while also detecting the text: My current approach I am using easy ocr in order to detect all the text boxes and later merging all the results into one …

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