
Is a cloned Conda environment Similar to a Python virtual environment

Is a cloned Conda environment Similar to a Python virtual environment Question: Is a cloned conda environment similar to a Python Virtual Environment? conda create –clone arcgispro-py3 –name arcgispro-py3_clone Or are there any benefits to create a Visual Environment for this cloned environment? Asked By: Behseini || Source Answers: I think I understand what you’re …

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How to install jsonnet on conda

How to install jsonnet on conda Question: I am installing allennlp and it has quite a lot of dependencies. Everything is installing fine but the installalation of Jsonnet is failing. I tried installing jsonnet using pip install jsonnet manually but that isn’t working either. Asked By: Arion Love || Source Answers: Try the following: conda …

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`conda info` points to a different base path while called from within Python

`conda info` points to a different base path while called from within Python Question: I have observed a strange behaviour: In my shell I activate a conda environment abc with conda activate abc. I run conda info –base and obtain a proper path where I installed conda, I get: $HOME/miniconda3. I start a python interpreter …

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When using env.yml with conda whats the difference between dependencies and pip dependencies?

When using env.yml with conda whats the difference between dependencies and pip dependencies? Question: I am creating a .SH script for setting up automatically my dev environment in Azure ML, according to this: The script looks like this: #!/bin/bash set -e # # Requires: Python <4.0, >=3.7 # This script creates a custom …

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JupyterLab launches from base installation even when in conda environment

JupyterLab launches from base installation even when in conda environment Question: How can I have jupyter lab launch JupyterLab from the current conda environment. Is such a thing possible? Details I wanted to start experimenting with customizing Jupyter(Lab), and so decided to create a new conda environment for it to contain my experiments. However, launching …

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Visual Studio Code Jupyter not recognising conda kernel

Visual Studio Code Jupyter not recognising conda kernel Question: I created a new conda environment named ‘ct’ and installed Python 3.10.6, Jupyter Lab, matplotlib and numpy. Also the ipykernel is installed. VS Code lets me select Python 3.10.6 from ‘ct’ as interpreter without issues. VS Code select interpreter But I cannot choose ‘ct’ as kernel …

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Install gseapy in R PackagesNotFoundError

Install gseapy in R PackagesNotFoundError Question: I would like to run gseapy in rstudio as I need to perform some pathway analysis using GSEA_InContext. This is what I have: library(reticulate) use_condaenv(‘/home/user/.local/share/r-miniconda/envs/r-reticulate’) conda_install("r-reticulate", "gseapy") However, it throws me error as: ‘/home/user/.local/share/r-miniconda/bin/conda’ ‘install’ ‘–yes’ ‘–name’ ‘r-reticulate’ ‘-c’ ‘conda-forge’ ‘gseapy’ Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): …working… done Solving environment: …

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conda update downgrading TensorFlow from GPU to MKL

conda update downgrading TensorFlow from GPU to MKL Question: I have created an environment and installed TensorFlow with the command: conda install -c anaconda tensorflow=*=gpu_py310h5ade2b3_0 cudatoolkit cudnn And it installs the latest TensorFlow version available on the anaconda channel. The output of conda info below: active environment : tensorflow active env location : C:ProgramDatascoopappsminiconda3currentenvstensorflow shell …

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Can't update module astropy in an environment

Can't update module astropy in an environment Question: I’m running Anaconda with an environment phd, and I’m trying to update astropy to the current version (5.0.4, same as in my base environment). >>> conda activate phd >>> python Python 3.7.1 (default, Oct 28 2018, 08:39:03) [MSC v.1912 64 bit (AMD64)] :: Anaconda, Inc. on win32 …

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Pyomo.extra installation fails

Pyomo.extra installation fails Question: I have installed Anaconda from scratch and then installed pyomo, which worked. When I try to install pyomo.extra, it runs about 1/2 hour and then fails. I had tried: conda install -c conda-forge pyomo.extras conda install -c "conda-forge/label/cf201901" pyomo.extras conda install -c "conda-forge/label/cf202003" pyomo.extras as recommended on and also conda …

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