
Style background color of dataframe cells based on rule

Style background color of dataframe cells based on rule Question: I’m trying to style a simple multiplication table. I have the following rule, and if a cell doesn’t satisfy it, I must colorize it in a different color. Example 1: Given numbers 10 and 11, the rule is broken since -798010 != 110, so the …

Total answers: 1

Pandas conditional formatting on multiple columns with different criteria

Pandas conditional formatting on multiple columns with different criteria Question: I would like conditionally format a df with multiple criterias according to its columns, which looks like below: business_entity 2021-H1 2022-H1 2022-H2 Movement 2 ABC 0 0 100 100 4 DEF 99 99 100 1 8 GHI 97 97 98 1 20 JKl 98 98 …

Total answers: 1

Merging/Concat rows in Pandas, based on some specific conditions

Merging/Concat rows in Pandas, based on some specific conditions Question: I have checked all similar questions, but haven’t found a solution to what i look for (or at least i don’t get it). The following is a part of a big DataFrame. date venue result gf ga team opponent 2017-08-11 Home W 4 1 Arsenal …

Total answers: 2

Openpyxl – Bandedcolumns turn off – table formatting

Openpyxl – turn off Bandedcolumns – table formatting Question: I have a data in master excel file which I am trying to split and store it in multiple child excel files. I would like to format the data in child files as a table. So, I tried the below code tab = Table(displayName = "Table1", …

Total answers: 1