
Does confluent kafka provide an api for streaming, grouping and aggregation in python?

Does confluent kafka provide an api for streaming, grouping and aggregation in python? Question: Does confluent kafka provide an api for streaming, grouping and aggregation in python language? Asked By: Mahamutha M || Source Answers: There’s no such thing as “Confluent Kafka”. Confluent Platform is a distribution of Apache Kafka®, along with other components such …

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Kafka AvroConsumer consume from timestamp using offsets_for_times

Kafka AvroConsumer consume from timestamp using offsets_for_times Question: Trying to use confluent_kafka.AvroConsumer to consume messages from a given time stamp. if flag: # creating a list topic_partitons_to_search = list( map(lambda p: TopicPartition(‘my_topic2’, p, int(time.time())), range(0, 1))) print(“Searching for offsets with %s” % topic_partitons_to_search) offsets = c.offsets_for_times(topic_partitons_to_search, timeout=1.0) print(“offsets_for_times results: %s” % offsets) for x in …

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Do we need to manually cache schema registry?

Do we need to manually cache schema registry? Question: We are currently using Protocol Buffers as serialization mechanism for kafak message. We are going to move to Avro. We tested Avro Confluent consumer with Schema Registry and according to those tests, Avro consumer is little bit slow compare to protobuff consumer. My question is do …

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How to read batch messages in confluent kafka python?

How to read batch messages in confluent kafka python? Question: I am trying to read messages from Kafka, so I have written simple consumer to read messages from Kafka. While True: message = consumer.poll(timeout=1.0) # i am doing something with messages in above code output of message type is message object. how can I get …

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Kafka Error INVALID_ARG No Such configuration property sasl.mechanisms when using confluent-kafka-python

Kafka Error INVALID_ARG No Such configuration property sasl.mechanisms when using confluent-kafka-python Question: When trying to use the Message Hub Bluemix service with confluent-kafka-python, I am getting the ERROR Uncaught exception: , KafkaError{code=_INVALID_ARG,val=-186,str=”No such configuration property: “sasl.mechanisms””} Asked By: ValerieLampkin || Source Answers: This error indicates that librdkafka (the library confluent-kafka-python wraps) has not been compiled …

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