
Alternative for python shutils.copytree?

Alternative for python shutils.copytree? Question: recently i built a tool, which is able to copy files and directories to a selected location. I used the shutil.copy function for copying files and the shutil.copytree function for copying directories. It all worked fine until i stumbled upon the following problem: shutil.copytree function takes two arguments: src and …

Total answers: 1

How to Copy from IPython session without terminal prompts

How to Copy from IPython session without terminal prompts Question: Frequently, my workflow involves data cleaning/munging in an IPython shell. This has become particularly wonderful since IPython version 5.0 with all the great upgrades to the terminal interface. So, let’s say I make an attempt at sprucing up some piece of unstructured data: In [11]: …

Total answers: 6