
Why asynchronous sleep task and cpu-bound task cannot proceed concurrently?

Why asynchronous sleep task and cpu-bound task cannot proceed concurrently? Question: I need to send HTTP requests and do some CPU intensive task while waiting for the response. I tried to mock the situation with an asyncio.sleep and a CPU task below: import asyncio async def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() start = loop.time() task = …

Total answers: 2

multiprocessing.Pool not using all the cores in M1 Mac

multiprocessing.Pool not using all the cores in M1 Mac Question: Here is my code: from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool def process_board(elems): # do something for _ in range(1000): with Pool(cpu_count()) as p: _ = p.map(process_board, enumerate(some_array)) and this is the activity monitor of my mac while the code is running: I can ensure that len(some_array) > …

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FFMPEG with moviepy

FFMPEG with moviepy Question: I’m working on something that concatenate videos and adds some titles on through moviepy. As I saw on the web and on my on pc moviepy works on the CPU and takes a lot of time to save(render) a movie. Is there a way to improve the speed by running the …

Total answers: 4

I am getting CPU temperature using wmi library in Windows 32-bit with Python but I think it's false when compared with the results of Core Temp

I am getting CPU temperature using wmi library in Windows 32-bit with Python but I think it's false when compared with the results of Core Temp Question: I keep getting the value 30.85° with the following code using the wmi library. Here is my code: import wmi w = wmi.WMI(namespace=r’rootwmi’) temp = w.MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature()[0].CurrentTemperature kelvin = …

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How to monitor usage of CPU when function is called in Python psutil?

How to monitor usage of CPU when function is called in Python psutil? Question: Hey I’m learning psutil package and I want to know how to display current CPU usage when function is in progress? I suppose I need some threading or something like this, but how to do it? Thank u for any answers. …

Total answers: 4

Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2

Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX AVX2 Question: I have recently installed tensorflow (Windows CPU version) and received the following message: Successfully installed tensorflow-1.4.0 tensorflow-tensorboard-0.4.0rc2 Then when I tried to run import tensorflow as tf hello = tf.constant(‘Hello, TensorFlow!’) sess = tf.Session() sess.run(hello) ‘Hello, TensorFlow!’ a = …

Total answers: 11

Portable way of detecting number of *usable* CPUs in Python

Portable way of detecting number of *usable* CPUs in Python Question: Per this question and answer — Python multiprocessing.cpu_count() returns '1' on 4-core Nvidia Jetson TK1 — the output of Python’s multiprocessing.cpu_count() function on certain systems reflects the number of CPUs actively in use, as opposed to the number of CPUs actually usable by the …

Total answers: 3

Getting CPU temperature using Python?

Getting CPU temperature using Python? Question: How do I retrieve the temperature of my CPU using Python? (Assuming I’m on Linux) Asked By: jamieb || Source Answers: Py-cputemp seems to do the job. Answered By: DrDee Depending on your Linux distro, you may find a file under /proc that contains this information. For example, this …

Total answers: 12

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python?

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python? Question: How can I get the current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.) in Python? Ideally, it would work for both Unix and Windows platforms. There seems to be a few possible ways of extracting that from my search: Using a library …

Total answers: 21