
Anaconda Navigator not opening on M2 MacBook Air running MacOS Ventura

Anaconda Navigator not opening on M2 MacBook Air running MacOS Ventura Question: I just downloaded anaconda on my M2 MacBook Air running MacOS Ventura (version 13.2.1). The download process went smoothly and I was able to locate Anaconda Navigator. But when I try opening it, it just won’t open without even showing any error message. …

Total answers: 1

Android app crash with error Unknown admin

Android app crash with error Unknown admin Question: I’ve written a Kivy Python android app and created an .apk file using buildozer. After installing the app, when trying to open it – it crash. In the logs I see the following: 2022-12-28 14:08:57.318 1816-2097/? E/EnterpriseDeviceManagerService: isMdmAdminPresentInternal() : failed. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown admin: ComponentInfo{} at at …

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Visual Studio Code freezes after short while "The window is not responding"

Visual Studio Code freezes after short while "The window is not responding" Question: Problem: I can open VS code and start typing but after ~30s (sometimes minutes) the window freezes showing this message: I am using python on a jupyter notebook with only a couple of unspectacular lines which I don’t show because I tried …

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Why does my pygame window crash after some time?

Why does my pygame window crash after some time? Question: Here’s the code, i’m working on Atom. I’ve been using pygame for a lot of time, and that rarely happens. I never knew what the problem was, but i never needed to, until now. import pygame from random import randint as rnd from colorama import …

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Python turtle.Screen() freezes and crashes every time

Python turtle.Screen() freezes and crashes every time Question: I’m making a space invader clone just to learn a little Python since I just started with it. I made a turtle.Screen() but everytime I run it, it instantly freezes and crashes. Does anyone know what’s causing this problem? import turtle from turtle import forward, right, left …

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How to programmatically detect an application has crashed in Windows?

How to programmatically detect an application has crashed in Windows? Question: I am running a Python script that launches a number of apps. I need a way to detect if the app that’s launched has crashed. Some apps have internal crash handling How can I detect the crash? Asked By: Rakshith Nt || Source Answers: …

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How do I detect a crash in an external module in Python?

How do I detect a crash in an external module in Python? Question: I am using the Triangle module to generate constrained Delaunay triangulations (available at In some instances, the function triangle.triangulate crashes, and windows says ‘Python.exe has stopped responding’. I have tried using try/except structures as in the following example, which crashes inconsistently. …

Total answers: 4

TypeError: 'pygame.Surface' object is not callable and pygame window crashes

TypeError: 'pygame.Surface' object is not callable and pygame window crashes Question: I’m quite new to Pygame and Python and I’ve just made one of my first codes but somehow I keep getting this error: TypeError: ‘pygame.Surface’ object is not callable I don’t know whether there is something wrong in the code or just because Pygame/Python …

Total answers: 2