
Need Equivalent Python Script from JS

Need Equivalent of SHA1 function in python Question: Please help me convert below JS code to Python. const di_digest = CryptoJS.SHA1(di_plainTextDigest).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64); di_plainTextDigest is a String. I tried a few Python methods, but not working. Example result = hashlib.sha1(di_plainTextDigest.encode()) hexd = result.hexdigest() hexd_ascii = hexd.encode("ascii") dig2 = base64.b64encode(hexd_ascii) dig3 = dig2.decode("ascii") print(dig3 ) Asked By: Prudhvi …

Total answers: 1

Convert encryption function from Javascript to Python

Convert encryption function from Javascript to Python Question: I’m trying to convert this code from Javascript to Python3: import crypto from ‘crypto’; const secretKey = ‘NgTriSCalcUltAbLoGResOnOuSeAKeSTraLryOuR’ function verifySignature(rawBody) { const calculatedSignature = crypto .createHmac(‘sha256’, secretKey) .update(rawBody, ‘utf8’) .digest(‘base64’); return calculatedSignature; } console.log(verifySignature(‘a’)); With that code I get this output: vC8XBte0duRLElGZ4jCsplsbXnVTwBW4BJsUV1qgZbo= So I’m trying to convert …

Total answers: 1

reimplementing crypto-js in python cryptography

reimplementing crypto-js in python cryptography Question: I want to implement the following code (written in JavaScript, using the crypto-js library) in Python (using the cryptography package) const data = ‘base 64 encoded encrypted data’; const salt = ‘XB7sHH26Hn&FmPLxnjGccKTfPV(yk’; const pass = ‘.. password ..’; const psw = `${PBKDF2(pass, salt)}(tXntTbJFzh]4EuQVmjzM9GXHCth8`; let data = AES.decrypt(data, psw).toString(enc.Utf8); Here’s …

Total answers: 1

CryptoJS unpad issue

CryptoJS unpad issue Question: I am decrypting the encoded data fetched from API using CryptoJS data is coming from node js crypto-js in a string format. Here is what I have tried import base64 from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad,unpad make = make.json()[‘data’] key = "SecretPassphrase" encrypted_make = self.decrypt(make,key) def decrypt(self,encrypted, passphrase): encrypted …

Total answers: 1