
Cant switch windows in tkinter

Cant switch windows in tkinter Question: Every time I click on the buttons I get a error. Could anyone help me by providing a fix or telling me what the issue was because I cant see the issue. Whenever the button is clicked it is supposed to open a new page and the side bar …

Total answers: 1

My Password Checker using Tkinter is not working

My Password Checker using Tkinter is not working Question: Tried to use Tkinter and customtkinter to make a Password checker of sorts, Even with the correct Username and Password, I get Access Denied. I tried using several different ways and methods and I tried to do it without Tkinter and It worked fine, Idk why …

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Why the left frame is smaller then the right one? – grid layout

Why the left frame is smaller than the right one? – grid layout Question: I’m new to the grid layout (used place for years). I want to create a window with two frames on the upper half and one frame in the lower. Here’s my Class code: import customtkinter as ctk class SettingsWindow(ctk.CTk): def __init__(self): …

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storing output text in a tkinter textbox

storing output text in a tkinter textbox Question: im looking to output a list of text to both a text file as well as a tkinter textbox. Currently I have it working to print to a text file being held in the same folder. I would like this same list to be printed on screen …

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Unable to embed networkx graph using matplotlib in customtk

Unable to embed networkx graph using matplotlib in customtk Question: I’m trying to embed a networkx graph in CustomTk, but the graph doesn’t appear. When I use I can see the graph in matplotlib pop-up menu, but not in GUI. import tkinter import customtkinter import networkx as nx from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import ( FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk) …

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Why is the custom tkinter placeholder text for an entry box ignored?

Why is the custom tkinter placeholder text for an entry box ignored? Question: import tkinter as tk import customtkinter as ui ui.set_appearance_mode("dark") ui.set_default_color_theme("dark-blue") root = ui.CTk() root.geometry("500×350") frame = ui.CTkFrame(master=root) frame.pack(pady=20, padx=60, fill="both", expand=True) label = ui.CTkLabel(master=frame, text="Login System", font=("Roboto", 24)) label.pack(pady=12, padx=10) username = tk.StringVar() entry1 = ui.CTkEntry(master=frame, textvariable=username, placeholder_text="Username") entry1.pack(pady=12, padx=10) password = …

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Error after closing customtkinter window with Matplotlib figure

Error after closing customtkinter window with Matplotlib figure Question: I am using matplotlib figure to show equations in a customtkinter gui program. After closing the window, this error shows up and the program keeps running: invalid command name "2444841565824check_dpi_scaling" while executing "2444841565824check_dpi_scaling" ("after" script) invalid command name "2444841677504update" while executing "2444841677504update" ("after" script) A sample …

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How to add a tooltip to a customtkinter image (CTkImage)?

How to add a tooltip to a customtkinter image (CTkImage)? Question: I’m using tkinter-tooltip and when I try to add a tooltip to a button consisting of only an image, it says "NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘bind’". It works if I do text=" " but I don’t wanna make the text a space or …

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Accessing data object from multiple tkinter frames

Accessing data object from multiple tkinter frames Question: What I’m doing I’m writing a graph-viewing app. The user opens the app, clicks ‘Import’ in the sidebar, chooses a CSV file and then sees the graph embedded in the app. The user then clicks ‘Slice’ in the sidebar, and the app detects regions of the graph …

Total answers: 1