
Cx_freeze converted executable is not working for ttkbootstrap scripts

Cx_freeze converted executable is not working for ttkbootstrap scripts Question: After converting my ttkbootstrap project file into exe by using cx_freeze. When I run the executable file. I get this error and my program does not execute. File "", line 120, in run + "__main__") File "", line 16, in run exec(code, module_main.__dict__) File …

Total answers: 2

cx_freeze attributeerror: 'windowspath' object has no attribute 'write' error

cx_freeze attributeerror: 'windowspath' object has no attribute 'write' error Question: I got this error while trying to convert my .py file to .exe file with Cx_Freeze: cx_freeze attributeerror: ‘windowspath’ object has no attribute ‘write’ error The file I’m trying to convert: print("Hello!") while True: pass file: from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable setup( name = …

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cx_Freeze ImportError: DLL load failed failed while importing _ctypes: The specified module could not be found

cx_Freeze ImportError: DLL load failed failed while importing _ctypes: The specified module could not be found Question: I compiled some Python scripts with cx_Freeze but compiled scripts giving me this error: from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable executables = [ Executable(‘’, base="Win32GUI", icon="Icons\icon.ico"), Executable(‘’, base="Win32GUI", icon="Icons\icon.ico"), Executable("", base="Win32GUI", icon="Icons\cicon.ico"), Executable("", base="Win32GUI", icon="Icons\uicon.ico"), Executable("", base="Win32GUI", icon="Icons\cicon.ico") …

Total answers: 2

Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll

Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll Question: Previously I asked a similar question: cx_Freeze unable fo find mkl: MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load mkl_intel_thread.dll But now I have a subtle difference. I want to run the program without installing anaconda, just within a cmd.exe terminal, but it seems I am doing something wrong or …

Total answers: 5

Convert tkinter to EXE

Convert tkinter to EXE Question: Currently, I’m trying to convert my tkinter Python script to an EXE file using cx_freeze. It is somehow not working when I try to add another file. You can see the method I’ve used in the minimum example I’m using below. import tkinter as tk import numpy.core._methods, numpy.lib.format class Main(tk.Tk): …

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NameError: name 'exit' is not defined

NameError: name 'exit' is not defined Question: I used cxfreeze to create a Windows executable from It seemed to work ok, but when I run the exe file I get NameError: name ‘exit’ is not defined name exit is not defined in python states that the fix is to use import sys. However, I …

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KeyError: 'TCL_Library' when I use cx_Freeze

KeyError: 'TCL_Library' when I use cx_Freeze Question: When I use cx_Freeze I get a keyerror KeyError: ‘TCL_Library’while building my pygame program. Why do I get this and how do I fix it? My is below: from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable setup( name = “Snakes and Ladders”, version = “0.9”, author = “Adam”, author_email = …

Total answers: 7


multiprocessing.freeze_support() Question: Why does the multiprocessing module need to call a specific function to work when being “frozen” to produce a windows executable? Asked By: Voo || Source Answers: The reason is lack of fork() on Windows (which is not entirely true). Because of this, on Windows the fork is simulated by creating a new …

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Why am I getting a "no module named cx_Freeze" error after installing cx_freeze?

Why am I getting a "no module named cx_Freeze" error after installing cx_freeze? Question: I am trying to compile a python program and I am using python 3.2. So I downloaded cx_freeze and installed it. When I try to run the in cmd it says: “importerror: no module named cx_freeze” I have removed cx_freeze …

Total answers: 3