
Dart equivalent to Python zip and list comprehension for generating list of widgets from two lists

Dart equivalent to Python zip and list comprehension for generating list of widgets from two lists Question: I want to create a list of widgets MyWidget(categoryName, color) from the following two lists. static const _categoryNames = <String>[ ‘Length’, ‘Area’, ‘Volume’, ]; static const _baseColors = <Color>[ Colors.teal, Colors.orange, Colors.pinkAccent, ]; In Python I would use …

Total answers: 4

Is it possible to develop an app using the remove.bg API in Flutter?

Is it possible to develop an app using the remove.bg API in Flutter? Question: I got an API called remove.bg . I want to use this API ( provided in python language ) in my Flutter App. Is it even possible? This API uses for removing image background. What are the steps/ research I need …

Total answers: 1