
How to reduce jitter in data?

How to reduce jitter in data? Question: I have trained a generative adversarial network to generate time series. On the left you see the original time series and on the right the generated one As you can see they are similar but I recognized that the generated one has a lot of up/down trends within …

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i can't apply labelencoder to array of bool

i can't apply labelencoder to array of bool Question: I am on a machine learning project. I did import all libraries. I took one column of data(this column is array of bool) and i want to apply it labelencoder. Here is my whole code. data = pd.read_csv(‘odev_tenis.csv’) le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() ruzgar = data.iloc[:,3:4].values #the column …

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Recursion error: Dataprep function not working post cleaning data

Recursion error: Dataprep function not working post cleaning data Question: Using dataprep API and I am getting a recursion error when I use the dataprep functions in Google Colab. Oddly it works fine on 144 features of uncleaned data. But once reduced to 20 features and clean the missing values, I get a recursion error …

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How to create new columns by dividing all columns in a loop?

How to create new columns by dividing all columns in a loop? Question: i’m having a trouble in my code. i just want to create new columns by dividing all columns / survival_time and after i need to add new columns as (clv_mean_xxx) to main dataframe. here is my code. list_ib = [‘actor_masterylevel’, ‘churn_yn’, ‘old_value2_num’, …

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Trying to apply fit_transofrm() function from sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer class on array but getting "tuple index out of range" error

Trying to apply fit_transofrm() function from sklearn.compose.ColumnTransformer class on array but getting "tuple index out of range" error Question: I am beginner in ML/AI and trying to do pre-proccesing on my dataset of digits that I’ve made myself. I want to apply OneHotEncoding on my categorical variable (which is a dependent one,idk if it is …

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NLP: pre-processing dataset into a new dataset

NLP: pre-processing dataset into a new dataset Question: I need help with processing an unsorted dataset. Sry, if I am a complete noob. I never did anything like that before. So as you can see, each conversation is identified by a dialogueID which consists of multiple rows of "from" & "to", as well as text …

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extracting a string from between to strings in dataframe

extracting a string from between to strings in dataframe Question: im trying to extract a value from my data frame i have a column [‘Desc’] it contains sentences in the folowing format _000it_ZZZ$$$- _0780it_ZBZT$$$- _011it_BB$$$- _000it_CCCC$$$- I want to extract the string between ‘it_’ and ‘$$$’ I have tried this code but does not seem …

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Python Dataframe Duplicates Removal based on combination of two columns

Python Dataframe Duplicates Removal based on combination of two columns Question: I have a pandas dataframe that contains duplicates, but not regular duplicates you can remove by using simple df.drop_duplicates. For example when combining columns 1 and 2, for the purpose of my work, AB and BA are the same, and the 5th row should …

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How can i combine all the tokenized word to a sentence in a column?

How can i combine all the tokenized word to a sentence in a column? Question: How can I combine all the tokenized words into a sentence in a column? tokenized_word = [‘really’,’smart’,’people’] in a sentence = really smart people Asked By: MUNIM BIN MUQUITH || Source Answers: There is a standard join operation in Python: …

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