
Why is training this xgboost model in a subprocess not terminating?

Why is training this xgboost model in a subprocess not terminating? Question: Given the following program running my_function in a subprocess using run_process_timeout_wrapper leads to a timeout (over 160s), while running it "normally" takes less than a second. from multiprocessing import Process, Queue import time import numpy as np import xgboost def run_process_timeout_wrapper(function, args, timeout): …

Total answers: 1

MySQL Deadlock when using DataFrame.to_sql in multithreaded environment

MySQL Deadlock when using DataFrame.to_sql in multithreaded environment Question: I have a multithreaded ETL process inside a docker container that looks like this simplified code: class Query(abc.ABC): def __init__(self): self.connection = sqlalchemy.create_engine(MYSQL_CONNECTION_STR) def load(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: df.to_sql( name=self.table, con=self.connection, if_exists="replace", index=False, ) @abc.abstractmethod def transform(self, data: object) -> pd.DataFrame: pass @abc.abstractmethod def extract(self) …

Total answers: 2

Solving deadlock in python using multiprocessing subprocess?

Solving deadlock in python using multiprocessing subprocess? Question: College assignment requested that we modify the code below to stop it from deadlocking, without changing the main function. Right now, it is deadlocking because of how the locks end up waiting for each other. My professor mentioned using os.fork, which is not possible as I am …

Total answers: 1

Why is __del__ not called on a global object when another thread is active?

Why is __del__ not called on a global object when another thread is active? Question: I am working on a project that has a similar construct to that shown in the code below. My hope is to have an object that opens a thread upon creation and automatically closes it when the object is destroyed. …

Total answers: 3

Multiprocessing debug techniques

Multiprocessing debug techniques Question: I’m having trouble debugging a multi-process application (specifically using a process pool in python’s multiprocessing module). I have an apparent deadlock and I do not know what is causing it. The stack trace is not sufficient to describe the issue, as it only displays code in the multiprocessing module. Are there …

Total answers: 2