
Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets?

Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets? Question: Is it possible to remove specific items from Parquet and NoSQL Targets in MLRun? I did not find relevant methods and I checked FeatureStore, ParquetTarget and NoSQLTarget. I only saw ability to remove whole featureset from metastore (from DB) without touch of …

Total answers: 1

Python Tkinter row delete function only works once

Python Tkinter row delete function only works once Question: Below is the code for a smaller version of a project I am working on. Basically when I try to delete one of the entries, the delete function works, but only once. After that it starts duplicating the entries I have deleted until giving me the …

Total answers: 1

Delete blank rows from CSV?

Delete blank rows from CSV? Question: I have a large csv file in which some rows are entirely blank. How do I use Python to delete all blank rows from the csv? After all your suggestions, this is what I have so far import csv # open input csv for reading inputCSV = open(r’C:input.csv’, ‘rb’) …

Total answers: 12