
Is it possible to use AngularJS with the Jinja2 template engine?

Is it possible to use AngularJS with the Jinja2 template engine? Question: I have a Flask site and I want to use the AngularJS JavaScript framework. Unfortunately, it seems as if the delimiters overlap. How do I use Angular with Jinja2 if both rely on double curly braces ({{ expr }})? Is it even possible? …

Total answers: 2

How to use delimiter for CSV in Python?

How to use delimiter for CSV in Python? Question: I’m having trouble with figuring out how to use the delimiter for csv.writer in Python. I have a CSV file in which the strings separated by commas are in single cell and I need to have each word in each individual cell, e.g: 100 , 2559 …

Total answers: 3

Can I import a CSV file and automatically infer the delimiter?

Can I import a CSV file and automatically infer the delimiter? Question: I want to import two kinds of CSV files, some use “;” for delimiter and others use “,”. So far I have been switching between the next two lines: reader=csv.reader(f,delimiter=’;’) or reader=csv.reader(f,delimiter=’,’) Is it possible not to specify the delimiter and to let …

Total answers: 5

Python split() without removing the delimiter

Python split() without removing the delimiter Question: This code almost does what I need it to.. for line in all_lines: s = line.split(‘>’) Except it removes all the ‘>’ delimiters. So, <html><head> Turns into [‘<html’,'<head’] Is there a way to use the split() method but keep the delimiter, instead of removing it? With these results.. …

Total answers: 4

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python Question: I found some answers online, but I have no experience with regular expressions, which I believe is what is needed here. I have a string that needs to be split by either a ‘;’ or ‘, ‘ That is, it has to be either a semicolon or …

Total answers: 5

str.format() raises KeyError

str.format() raises KeyError Question: The following code raises a KeyError exception: addr_list_formatted = [] addr_list_idx = 0 for addr in addr_list: # addr_list is a list addr_list_idx = addr_list_idx + 1 addr_list_formatted.append(“”” “{0}” { “gamedir” “str” “address” “{1}” } “””.format(addr_list_idx, addr)) Why? I am using Python 3.1. Asked By: Dor || Source Answers: The problem …

Total answers: 2

Can you access registers from python functions in vim

Can you access registers from python functions in vim Question: It seems vims python sripting is designed to edit buffer and files rather than work nicely with vims registers. You can use some of the vim packages commands to get access to the registers but its not pretty. My solution for creating a vim function …

Total answers: 1

How can I split by 1 or more occurrences of a delimiter in Python?

How can I split by 1 or more occurrences of a delimiter in Python? Question: I have a formatted string from a log file, which looks like: >>> a=”test result” That is, the test and the result are split by some spaces – it was probably created using formatted string which gave test some constant …

Total answers: 6