
seaborn distplot / displot with multiple distributions

seaborn distplot / displot with multiple distributions Question: I am using seaborn to plot a distribution plot. I would like to plot multiple distributions on the same plot in different colors: Here’s how I start the distribution plot: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.datasets import load_iris iris = load_iris() iris = …

Total answers: 6

Fill density plots with color

Fill density plots with color Question: I have two density plot, one above the other. How can I fill the area under the curves with 2 different colors and also add some transparency so that the overlapped region is noticeable. import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import …

Total answers: 1

Plot a histogram such that the total height equals 1

Plot a histogram such that the total height equals 1 Question: This is a follow-up question to this answer. I’m trying to plot normed histogram, but instead of getting 1 as maximum value on y axis, I’m getting different numbers. For array k=(1,4,3,1) import numpy as np def plotGraph(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt k=(1,4,3,1) plt.hist(k, …

Total answers: 5