
TypeError: 'decimal.Decimal' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

TypeError: 'decimal.Decimal' object cannot be interpreted as an integer Question: I am running this code to convert the sample_time variables to datetime. However, I am receiving this error: TypeError: ‘decimal.Decimal’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer. How can I rectify this without changing my python version to an older non deprecated version? df[‘sample_time’] = …

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How to install python specific version on docker?

How to install python specific version on docker? Question: I need to install python 3.8.10 in a container running ubuntu 16.04. 16.04 has no support anymore, so I need a way to install it there manually. Asked By: Gulzar || Source Answers: This follows from here Add the following to your dockerfile, and change the …

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Python: Issue Deprecation warning when importing a function

Python: Issue Deprecation warning when importing a function Question: in a file I have a function hello(). The location is deprecated and I moved it to Currently I do: def hello(): from A import hello as new_hello warnings.warn( "B.hello() is deprecated. Use A.hello() instead.", DeprecationWarning ) return new_hello() but this issues the warning …

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What are all these deprecated "loop" parameters in asyncio?

What are all these deprecated "loop" parameters in asyncio? Question: A lot of the functions in asyncio have deprecated loop parameters, scheduled to be removed in Python 3.10. Examples include as_completed(), sleep(), and wait(). I’m looking for some historical context on these parameters and their removal. What problems did loop solve? Why would one have …

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What is the non deprecated version of open "U" mode

What is the non deprecated version of open "U" mode Question: I am trying to read a textfile in python using: with open(“Keys.txt”,”rU”) as csvfile: however this produces a depreciation warning. DeprecationWarning: ‘U’ mode is deprecated What is the non deprecated version for this mode of access for a text/csv file. Asked By: Lyra Orwell …

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Deprecation status of the NumPy matrix class

Deprecation status of the NumPy matrix class Question: What is the status of the matrix class in NumPy? I keep being told that I should use the ndarray class instead. Is it worth/safe using the matrix class in new code I write? I don’t understand why I should use ndarrays instead. Asked By: Andras Deak …

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Python: how does the functools cmp_to_key function works?

How does the functools cmp_to_key function work? Question: In Python, both list.sort method and sorted built-in function accepts an optional parameter named key, which is a function that, given an element from the list returns its sorting key. Older Python versions used a different approach using the cmp parameter instead, which is a function that, …

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Alternative to contextlib.nested with variable number of context managers

Alternative to contextlib.nested with variable number of context managers Question: We have code that invokes a variable number of context managers depending on runtime parameters: from contextlib import nested, contextmanager @contextmanager def my_context(arg): print(“entering”, arg) try: yield arg finally: print(“exiting”, arg) def my_fn(items): with nested(*(my_context(arg) for arg in items)) as managers: print(“processing under”, managers) my_fn(range(3)) …

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Python's many ways of string formatting — are the older ones (going to be) deprecated?

Python's many ways of string formatting — are the older ones (going to be) deprecated? Question: Python has at least six ways of formatting a string: In [1]: world = “Earth” # method 1a In [2]: “Hello, %s” % world Out[2]: ‘Hello, Earth’ # method 1b In [3]: “Hello, %(planet)s” % {“planet”: world} Out[3]: ‘Hello, …

Total answers: 5