
Pydantic BaseModel schema and instance serialization/deserialization not working

Pydantic BaseModel schema and instance serialization/deserialization not working Question: I am attempting to serialize a Pydantic model schema and then deserialize it in another script. The serialization process is working as expected, and it has created two JSON files: model.json and data.json. In, I defined the MainModel schema and then serialized it along with …

Total answers: 2

Deserialize Nested Json Record From Postgres To POJO using Jackson

Deserialize Nested Json Record From Postgres To POJO using Jackson Question: I am preety new to Jackson and how it really works under the hood when its get complicated to an issue of what i am facing. I have a record coming from the database which is stored as JSON TYPE (using postgres). Below is …

Total answers: 3

Pydantic model parse pascal case fields to snake case

Pydantic model parse pascal case fields to snake case Question: I have a Pydantic class model that represents a foreign API that looks like this: class Position(BaseModel): AccountID: str AveragePrice: str AssetType: str Last: str Bid: str Ask: str ConversionRate: str DayTradeRequirement: str InitialRequirement: str PositionID: str LongShort: str Quantity: int Symbol: str Timestamp: str …

Total answers: 1

Python splitting text into two lines instead of printing one

Python splitting text into two lines instead of printing one Question: I’m reading sensor data with a RedBoard QWIIC. The program outputs data which looks like this: 408 10 45.47 98760.30 23.33 413 19.17 400 7 45.45 98758.38 23.33 414 19.17 415 16 45.45 98757.56 23.33 414 19.17 405 3 45.45 98758.38 23.33 414 19.17 …

Total answers: 1

django rest framework deserialize object based on custom class

django rest framework deserialize object based on custom class Question: I would like to deserialize this json: json1 = { “age” : “22”, “name” : “Bob”, “lastname” : “Andrew”, “contactList” : [ { “friend” : “Alice”}, { “friend” : “John”} ]} I have created the following classes (I dont want to create any models since …

Total answers: 2