
SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED when using pretrained detectron2 model

SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED when using pretrained detectron2 model Question: I am trying to just use the pretrained mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x model in detectron2 on an image. I get the error ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1131). I am using Windows Subsystem for Linux. The following code produces the error. from detectron2.config …

Total answers: 2

In detectron2 there are class IDs instead of class names

In detectron2 there are class IDs instead of class names Question: I finished training model for instance segmentation in detectron2 when I test images in training files there is no problem class names(apple,banana,orange) are written on the image but I downloaded some fruit images from the internet and class names are not written on the …

Total answers: 3

Inference on image dataset without annotations in detectron2

Inference on image dataset without annotations in detectron2 Question: Motivation I have a detectron2 Mask R-CNN baseline model that is good enough to predict some object boundaries accurately. I’d like to convert these predicted boundaries to COCO polygons to annotate the next dataset (supervised labeling). To do this, I need to run inference on an …

Total answers: 1

Replace instance of a class with new instance

Replace instance of a class with new instance Question: I am working on detectron2 object detection. I am facing a problem in filtering the objects detected. Here is the detectron2 predicted output: Instances(num_instances=9, image_height=547, image_width=820, fields=[pred_boxes: Boxes(tensor([[3.1173e+01, 3.8368e+01, 5.3751e+02, 5.4078e+02], [5.9945e+02, 2.6412e+02, 6.8196e+02, 5.1333e+02], [4.4486e+02, 1.7210e+02, 4.9981e+02, 2.5596e+02], [1.1566e-01, 2.3533e+02, 8.5483e+01, 3.6838e+02], [3.0897e+02, 2.4964e+02, 3.5739e+02, …

Total answers: 2