
Unable to distinguish four cosines from a FFT

Unable to distinguish four cosines from a FFT Question: I have four cosines with frequencies 400e-3, 500e-3, 600e-3 and 700e-3 and I am trying to do the FFT of them but under the time I need, I cannot distinguish the four. Is there a way to distinguish the peaks without changing the tmax time of …

Total answers: 1

only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`…`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`…`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices Question: I am implementing fft as part of my homework. My problem lies in the implemention of shuffling data elements using bit reversal. I get the following warning: DeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result …

Total answers: 3

Calculating nth Roots of Unity in Python

Calculating nth Roots of Unity in Python Question: So, I’m trying to write an algorithm croot(k, n), that returns the kth root of unity with n == n. I’m getting mostly the right answer, however it’s giving me really weird representations that seem wrong for certain numbers. Here is an example. import cmath def croot(k, …

Total answers: 4