
PyDICOM Returns KeyError Even Though Field Exists

PyDICOM Returns KeyError Even Though Field Exists Question: I’m reading in a DICOM with pydicom.read_file() like this: x = pydicom.read_file(/path/to/dicom/) This returns an instance of FileDataset but I get an error when trying to access a value like this: x[0x20,0x32] OUTPUT: *** KeyError: (0020, 0032) I also tried accessing the value like this: x.ImagePositionPatient OUTPUT: …

Total answers: 1

3D Medical Brain Image Metadata Mask Information

3D Medical Brain Image Metadata Mask Information Question: I am doing an artificial intelligence study on 3D-TOF-MRA medical images. There are 1 problems I encountered here. Which value in the DICOM metadata of a 3D medical image gives information about the mask of that image? I tried to change the Pixel Data value in the …

Total answers: 1

DICOM slicing orders in python

DICOM slicing orders in python Question: I have a question about slices ordering: I have about 80 pictures of hip joint but there are not arranged from feet to head or head to feet. Is there any way to arrange them in an intended order? # pixel aspects, assuming all slices are the same ps …

Total answers: 1

Modifying a large number of DICOM (.dcm) files.

Modifying a large number of DICOM (.dcm) files. Question: bit of a simple question perhaps but I am not making progress and would appreciate help. I have a list of size 422. Within index 0 there are 135 file paths to .dcm images. For example ‘~/images/0001.dcm’,’~/images/0135.dcm’ Within index 1, there are 112 image paths, index …

Total answers: 1

How to generate SOPInstance UID for DICOM file?

How to generate SOPInstance UID for DICOM file? Question: I am developing a system which will be able to create structured report for PACS. Obviously in order to create a DICOM instance (file containing Report data), I need three UIDs for Study, Series and Instance. StudyUID and SeriesUID must be the same as that of …

Total answers: 5