
How to plot from table with multiple histograms?

How to plot multiple histograms from a dataframe Question: I have a table with following format: df = pd.DataFrame({‘Bins’: [‘Bin1′,’Bin2′,’Bin3’], ‘hist_A’: [10,5,10], ‘hist_B’: [1,5,6], ‘hist_C’: [1,8,6]}) Where the values are the ‘weights’ or ‘frequency/counts’. How can I plot these histograms in one Seaborn displot() with ‘hue’ and ‘col’ faceting? Asked By: mrLimpio || Source Answers: …

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How to expose alpha parameter in Seaborn displot

How to expose alpha parameter in Seaborn displot Question: Is there anyway to expose alpha parameter in seaborn displot function? Here is some sample code: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns A = np.random.standard_normal(20) B = np.random.standard_normal(20) C = [‘cat1′,’cat2’,]*10 z = pd.DataFrame({‘col1′:A,’col2′:B,’col3’:C}) sns.displot(data = z, x = ‘col1’,hue …

Total answers: 1

Overlay kde plot using Seaborn displot

Overlay kde plot using Seaborn displot Question: I’m trying to recreate a plot that I made with seaborn distplot but using displot, since distplot is being depreciated. How do I make the displot overlay the two columns? Here is the original code to create using distplot: import pandas as pd import numpy as np import …

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Curve the Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) in seaborn displot

Curve the Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) in seaborn displot Question: When I try to plot my data in the form of histogram using seaborn displot: plot = sns.displot( data=z, kde=True, kind="hist", bins=3000, legend=True, aspect=1.8 ).set(title=’Error Distribution’) The curve for KDE is plotted in the form of straight lines instead of curves like here: Is there …

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How to set a different linestyle for each hue group in a kdeplot / displot

How to set a different linestyle for each hue group in a kdeplot / displot Question: How can each hue group of a seaborn.kdeplot, or seaborn.displot with kind=’kde’ be given a different linestyle? Both axes-level and figure-level options will accept a str for linestyle/ls, which applies to all hue groups. import seaborn as sns import …

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displot 'FacetGrid' object is not callable

displot 'FacetGrid' object is not callable Question: I wrote the following code in order to plot a 2×2 displot with seaborn: df = pd.DataFrame( {‘Re’ : x, ‘n’ : y, ‘Type’ : tp, ‘tg’ : tg, ‘gt’ : gt }) g = sns.FacetGrid(df, row=’gt’, col=’tg’, margin_titles=False, height=2.5, aspect=1.65) g.map(sns.displot(df, x=’Re’, y=’n’, hue=’Type’, kind=’kde’,log_scale=True, palette=customPalette, fit_reg=False, …

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Seaborn plot displot with hue and dual y-scale (twinx)

Seaborn plot displot with hue and dual y-scale (twinx) Question: I am trying to plot the output from the predict of a ML model, there are the classes 1,0 for the Target, and the Score. Due the dataset is not balanced, there are few 1’s. When I plot a simple displot with the Target in …

Total answers: 3

Plotting multiple seaborn displot

Plotting multiple seaborn displot Question: I am trying to create distplot of a dataframe grouped by a column data_plot = creditcard_df.copy() amount = data_plot[‘Amount’] data_plot.drop(labels=[‘Amount’], axis=1, inplace = True) data_plot.insert(0, ‘Amount’, amount) # Plot the distributions of the features columns = data_plot.iloc[:,0:30].columns plt.figure(figsize=(12,30*4)) grids = gridspec.GridSpec(30, 1) for grid, index in enumerate(data_plot[columns]): ax = plt.subplot(grids[grid]) …

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How to draw a normal curve on seaborn displot

How to draw a normal curve on seaborn displot Question: distplot was deprecated in favour of displot. The previous function had the option to draw a normal curve. import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats ax = sns.distplot(df.extracted, bins=40, kde=False, fit=stats.norm) the fit=stats.norm doesn’t work with displot anymore. In the …

Total answers: 2

Change displot bar colors to a specific color

Change displot bar colors to a specific color Question: I am struggling to change my displot bar colours. I want to change the colour of the bars to the light blue colour on at the end of the palette (shown below). I have tried this, but the colour seems to remain as a dark blue, …

Total answers: 1