
How to improve performance – Merge two dataframes by closest geodetic distance

How to improve performance – Merge two dataframes by closest geodetic distance Question: I have two dataframes, one radar which represents data on an equispaced grid with columns for longitude, latitude and height value, and one ice that has some information related to satellite observations, including the latitude and longitude of the observation. I want …

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How to distance between all points in list?

How to distance between all points in list? Question: I am plotting random points on a graph. I want to find the Eucildean distance from every point to another in a list. Previous result/attempt can be viewed here I generate 4 random numbers between 0 and 10 for the x and y coordinates, and then …

Total answers: 2

Calculating smallest within trio distance

Calculating smallest within trio distance Question: I have a pandas dataframe similar to the one below: Output var1 var2 var3 1 0.487981 0.297929 0.214090 1 0.945660 0.031666 0.022674 2 0.119845 0.828661 0.051495 2 0.095186 0.852232 0.052582 3 0.059520 0.053307 0.887173 3 0.091049 0.342226 0.566725 3 0.119295 0.414376 0.466329 … … … … … Basically, I …

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K-nearest points from two dataframes with GeoPandas

K-nearest points from two dataframes with GeoPandas Question: GeoPandas uses shapely under the hood. To get the nearest neighbor I saw the use of nearest_points from shapely. However, this approach does not include k-nearest points. I needed to compute distances to nearest points from to GeoDataFrames and insert the distance into the GeoDataFrame containing the …

Total answers: 5

geodesic distance on 3d triangular mesh using scikit-fmm or gdist

geodesic distance on 3d triangular mesh using scikit-fmm or gdist Question: I’m trying to evaluate a geodesic distance matrix on the TOSCA dataset. e.g. the following 3d mesh- I’ve tried using two python implementations. The first one is the scikit-fmm, which does not seems to work on 3d structures at all (am I right?) hence …

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Distance Matrix between rows of a Pandas Dataframe with Lat and Lon

Distance Matrix between rows of a Pandas Dataframe with Lat and Lon Question: I have a Pandas DataFrame with the coordinates of different cell towers where one column is the Latitude and another column is the Longitude like this: Tower_Id Latitude Longitude 0. a1 x1 y1 1. a2 x2 y2 2. a3 x3 y3 and …

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Calculate distance between 2 points in google maps using python

Calculate distance between 2 points in google maps using python Question: I get longitude and latitude using gmail geocode function. Now i need to calculate distance between 2 points. I found Haversine formula and it works well, but then in google js api i found method computeDistanceBetween(lat,lng) in the Geometry Library. My question is there …

Total answers: 4