
How to run migrations on specific database using call_command() in Django?

How to run migrations on specific database using call_command() in Django? Question: I’m just wondering what the correct syntax is for calling $ python migrate app_name –database db_name with the management.call_command() function at runtime. So far, I have the following: from django.core import management from import migrate # Migrate the core.contrib.dynamics if needed …

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pip can't find django 3.x – ERROR: No matching distribution found for django==3.0.4

pip can't find django 3.x – ERROR: No matching distribution found for django==3.0.4 Question: When I run: pip3 install django==3.0.5 I get the error ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement django==3.0.5 (from versions: 1.1.3, … 2.2.11, 2.2.12) ERROR: No matching distribution found for django==3.0.4 I need to update some references somewhere, …

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Django is taking a long time to load

Django is taking a long time to load Question: For some reason, Django just started taking a really long time to load. When running python runserverit takes about 30 seconds for the server to run. But everything looks normal. Watching for file changes with StatReloader Performing system checks… System check identified no issues (0 …

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how GEt image from database Django 3.0

how GEt image from database Django 3.0 Question: I’m creating Blog on Django 3.0 Framework. so I crashed to a problem with Getting an image from Database. I can upload an image from admin and it’s uploading in directory which I want to. When I’m entering image URL to Post I can see directory from …

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Django TemplateSyntaxError – 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library

Django TemplateSyntaxError – 'staticfiles' is not a registered tag library Question: After upgrading to Django 3.0, I get the following TemplateSyntaxError: In template /Users/alasdair//myproject/myapp/templates/index.html, error at line 1 ‘staticfiles’ is not a registered tag library. Must be one of: admin_list admin_modify admin_urls cache i18n l10n log static tz Here is my template {% load staticfiles …

Total answers: 6

Django ImportError: cannot import name 'render_to_response' from 'django.shortcuts'

Django ImportError: cannot import name 'render_to_response' from 'django.shortcuts' Question: After upgrading to Django 3.0, I get the following error: ImportError: cannot import name ‘render_to_response’ from ‘django.shortcuts’ My view: from django.shortcuts import render_to_response from django.template import RequestContext def index(request): context = {‘foo’: ‘bar’} return render_to_response(‘index.html’, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) Here is the full traceback: Traceback (most recent call …

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