
Custom django data migration creating records allauth.account EmailAddress model returns error – django.db.migrations.exceptions.NodeNotFoundError:

Custom django data migration creating records allauth.account EmailAddress model returns error – django.db.migrations.exceptions.NodeNotFoundError: Question: I am upgrading a django project that was created with the default django auth. Email verification was implemented with the django.contrib.auth.tokens package. The way it worked was that the ‘is_active’ flag of the default django user which itself is extended with …

Total answers: 2

problem password_reset_key_message.txt` – dj-rest-auth

problem password_reset_key_message.txt` – dj-rest-auth Question: I’m creating a project (an api), but I’m stuck on the next part. When sending the password reset mail, specifically password_reset_key_message.txt, I can’t capture the user’s ‘key’ and ‘uid’, I want to change the address. Email delivery work fine, my problem is with password_reset_key_message.txt. Packages django==4.0.7 dj-rest-auth==2.2.5 django-allauth==0.51.0 I’m looking …

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Django AllAuth with Twitter Error: "No access to private resources at"

Django AllAuth with Twitter Error: "No access to private resources at" Question: I’m trying to setup the Django AllAuth Twitter login. When the user authenticates with Twitter and is redirected to my website, Django AllAuth raises the Error "No access to private resources at" and I’m pretty lost here. I have the following …

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email authentification doesn't work using django-allauth

email authentification doesn't work using django-allauth Question: I installed django-allauth and set it up to use it for the internet registration and authentication backend in order to have an email confirmation at registration and sign up the users using their email instead of their username. What is happening is that the registration works perfectly, the …

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Django AllAuth – How to manually send a reset-password email?

Django AllAuth – How to manually send a reset-password email? Question: In my application I am using Django Allauth. I don’t have any registration form for users. The admin is going to register users by uploading an excel file that contains user info. I have done all of this and users are saved in the …

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How to serialize the return value of a method in a model?

How to serialize the return value of a method in a model? Question: I have a Django app that uses Django REST Framework and Django-allauth. Now, I’m trying to retrieve the avatar URL that’s present in the social account. However, I’m having trouble forming the serializer. For background info, the allauth‘s SocialAccount is related to …

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Django allauth example [Errno 61] Connection refused

Django allauth example [Errno 61] Connection refused Question: I have the following error when I run django allauth example and it tries to send an email: File “/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/”, line 571, in create_connection raise err error: [Errno 61] Connection refused Under OS X 10.9.1 Asked By: arthur.sw || Source Answers: From allauth documentation: When I sign …

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