
django CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS not working as expected

django CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS not working as expected Question: Im having trouble in understanding why a post from a third party site is being rejected even though the site is added to CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS list in Im receiving a 403 error after the post stating the the csrf check has failed. I thought that adding the site …

Total answers: 2

CSRF validation does not work on Django using HTTPS

CSRF validation does not work on Django using HTTPS Question: I am developing an application which the frontend is an AngularJS API that makes requests to the backend API developed in Django Rest Framework. The frontend is on the domain: And my backend is on the domain: I am having problems making requests …

Total answers: 6

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted Question: I try to build a very simple website where one can add data into sqlite3 database. I have a POST form with two text input. index.html: {% if top_list %} <ul> <b><pre>Name Total steps</pre></b> {% for t in top_list %} <pre>{{}} {{t.total_steps}}</pre> {% endfor %} </ul> {% else %} …

Total answers: 14