
How to show all user purchased products in django-oscar?

How to show all user purchased products in django-oscar? Question: I am trying to render all user purchased products on django-oscar and i am having some problems. I can print all orders by user in order.order OrderProduct.objects.filter(user=user) but it doesn’t print each product by itself if order include few products (which saved on order.line) I …

Total answers: 2

Django oscar – customizing StockRecordForm form

Django oscar – customizing StockRecordForm form Question: I am trying to customize StockRecordForm in django-oscar administration. What I have: Forked dashboard app, also catalogue_dashboard Included new StockRecord attribute in Updated like this: from oscar.apps.dashboard.catalogue import forms as base_forms class StockRecordForm(base_forms.StockRecordForm): class Meta(base_forms.StockRecordForm.Meta): fields = [ ‘partner’, ‘partner_sku’, ‘price_currency’, ‘price’, ‘num_in_stock’, ‘low_stock_threshold’, ‘new_attribute’, ] …

Total answers: 2